Chapter 6.

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"What are you doing after school today?"

Isla and I were walking to my english class.

That's right. I had Mr. Stevens 3 out of 5 days. Talk about life being cruel.

"I don't know. I might just go home and watch TV," I answered.

"Good plan. I think I'm just gonna do the same."

We walked around the corner and I ran into someone. I dropped my english folder and my papers scattered everywhere.

I looked up and glared at the person who just bumped into me.

It was Ryder. Why was I not surprised.

"Well hello there, darling."

That made me realise how much I didn't miss the nickname.

"Why, hello there idiot," I greeted.

"Let me help you with that," he said and bent down to pick up my papers.

"You should. Considering you were the one who made me drop them," I said to him as he handed me my folder back.

"A thank you would be nice but I guess I didn't expect anything else," he said before walking into our classroom.

"Ugh. Jerk," I said as I turned to Isla.

"I gotta get to class. I'll see you later," she said.

"It sucks that we don't have english together," I whined.

"I know. But see you later, tell me what Mr. Stevens thinks of your wonderful essay."

Well, at least that was one good thing about english class. I was actually proud of what I put together on that piece of paper.

I walked into class and took my seat next to Ryder.

He just smiled at me friendly and I gave him a weird look.

Is he okay?

I put my backpack on the floor and watched as Mr. Stevens walks into the classroom.

"Good morning, class!"

There was nothing good about it.

My parents slowly got used to the idea of me having pastel pink hair. Dylan thought it looked, and I quote 'fucking badass and awesome' and Nathan likes whatever I do.

I've gotten several compliments on it and I'm starting to be kind of glad that Ryder switched out my shampoo.

But I am never going to admit that to him.

"Okay, before we do anything else today I want to hear some of your essays. about you read us yours."

He smiled friendly at Ryder. He obviously knew that Ryder didn't do it. He might do well on tests but he doesn't do homework that often. Especially in english class.

"Sure, Mr. Stevens," he said and took out a paper.

Mr. Stevens got a surprised look on his face. Nobody expected him to have the homework.

He cleared his throat and started reading.

After 5 sentences I started to get a deja vu feeling. That essay sounded awfully familiar. It sounded just like...mine! It sounded like mine!

I ripped open my folder and looked for my essay. Instead, I found a piece of paper. There was a note on it.

'Your turn. -R'

That fucker took my essay and switched it when he ran into me!

My jaw dropped open and he finished reading. He smirked at me when he saw my expression.

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