Chapter 49 ~ Two Months

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Elena's POV

Two months. It's been two months since the accident. Tyler has been visiting me everyday after school, making me food, and bringing me my homework on days I can't get out of bed. To this very day, I still picture Tyler and Vickie together.

"Tyler," Vickie moans.

"Baby," he answers. "I'm right here."

Scenarios are playing in my head envisioning them two being together as one. I feel tears prick my eyes as I hear the voices once again telling me that I'll never be enough. My legs carry me to the pitch black corner of my room. My head is buried in my knees thinking of all the times Tyler told me I was beautiful and that I was enough. He's a liar! Tears are streaking down my face, dampening my dark blue jeans.

A knock comes to my bedroom door. "Elena?" his voice calls out.

He hasn't called me Cutie since that day. I told him not to because it just brings back all the painful memories. Everyday, I tell him to stop visiting me and that I'm alright but when he said he'll never let me out of his sight, he kept his word. At least one thing he told me is true.

I don't answer him, not wanting to be bothered by anyone. "I'm coming in," he states. The doorknob turns slowly letting the light shine from outside shine right in my dark corner. I turn my back towards the wall once Tyler lays his eyes on me. "Elena," he whispers.

"Go away! You're a liar!" I yell at him.

I hear his feet shuffle in the opposite direction of me thinking he would leave. I hear the door shut and steps coming closer to me. "Leave!" I scream once again. He plops down on the right of me, leaving a loud thud on my hardwood floor.

"Baby," he whispers.

Baby. That's what he called Vickie in my scenario. He probably called her that in the act too.

I whimper as he let his words slip. He notices my reaction and sighs, letting his head drop. He runs his hands across his face in frustration. "Please talk to me," he begs.

What's there to talk about? He lied and now I'm hurt.

I turn my body away from his, avoiding him completely.


I can hear his slow, shallow breaths. We're still in the same corner of my room, me still facing away from him. No words have been spoken for what feels like two hours, but it's only been ten minutes according the clock on my nightstand.

"Elena, please," he rests a hand on my shoulder.

My head turns slightly at his touch. I don't push him off. For the first time in two months, I accept his touch. He picks up quickly and takes advantage of my acceptance. I feel him come closer to me, resting his chin on the crook of my neck. His hot breath is running all over my neck, sending shivers down my back. I close my eyes and wait for his next move. He pushes the remaining hair that is on my shoulder off to get to my neck easier. Suddenly, I feel his soft lips- the lips I haven't felt for two months- on my neck. He leaves little butterfly kisses on my neck, leading up to my jawline. Now he is close to my mouth.

My body is now turned towards him and my eyes are staring at his lips, wondering where they will go to next. He kisses my cheek and then the sides of my lips, but before he can reach my lips I push him away. He used that mouth with Vickie, to kiss her and maybe even more. I turn away from him, feeling a tear run down my cheek once again. He lets out a frustrated groan, letting his head hit the wall behind us. I try to keep my whimpering down to a minimum so he won't see me weak.

The pain is becoming too much. I let out a soft cry. Standing up to go wash my face and cool down, Tyler grabs my wrist, pulling me back down to him. "I'm sorry. I know that doesn't fix anything, but this can't be it. I won't let it be the end. We're stronger than this, you said nothing could ever come between us." His voice breaks at the end.

"Yeah? What did I know?" I answer him with all the strength that is in me.

"Everything. You're smart and beautiful and I can't even tell you how many times I'm sorry for hurting you," he says, kissing up the arm he was still holding.

The thing that makes me mad is that he didn't have a reason. He claims he loves me, but he did it with her for no reason. I just want to know why. Is that too much to ask for?

"I'm still madly in love with you," he whispers in my ear.

I'm now in his tight embrace. His arms wrap around the small of my back, rubbing it up and down His head rests on my shoulder. My body remains stiff throughout the entire "hug." If that's what you would call it.

How can I say I love him back? He hurt me so badly to the point I can't even get out of bed or leave the house. I don't want to lose him, but how can I trust him with my heart? How do I know that he won't just break it again?

The room is silent. We are holding each other. For the first time in two months, I give in and hug him back. I pick my arms up, the ones that were once dangling on my sides, and wrap them around Tyler. Immediately, he relaxes into my arms. My shirt begins getting damp from warm tears. that's when I notice it's Tyler who's crying.

"I miss you so much, Cutie," he mutters into the thin cloth of my shirt.

"I love you too," I whisper ever-so-softly.

He pulls away from my hug and looks me in the eyes. His beautiful brown eyes are filled with tears as he stares at me. He grabs the back of my head and brings me towards him, placing his lips on mine. The kiss isn't anything like before. It's soft and gentle, but yearning for me at the same time.

As much as I hate him right now, how can I not tell him I love him back? 

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