Chapter Two

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Nora was sitting while her book was opened in front of her. She was smiling looking at it and Mrs Abida (Lecturer) was giving out lecture. She was sitting looking at Sher Musa photo and smiling when suddenly a pen hit hard on her head. She hissed in pain and looked up and her gaze fell on Mrs Abida who was glaring at her. She quickly closed her book and stood up while everyone else was looking at her as well.

'What so funny that you are smiling looking at book?' Mrs Abida asked strictly and glared at Nora.

'Nothing Ma'am.' Nora said and Mrs Abida walked towards her. Then she moved and took out the book which was laying in front of her.

'Ma'am.....' Nora tried to say but Mrs Abida glared at her and she shut her mouth. Mrs Abida got hold of her book and opened it and his picture came in view.

'Did you was looking at some man's photo while sitting here.' Mrs Abida asked and Nora nodded her head in yes while some people from class laughed and other whistler teasingly and Mrs Abida glared at them.

'What's so funny in it?' Mrs Abida asked from class and they all stopped laughing

'Is not he Sher Musa?' Mrs Abida asked and Nora slowly nodded her head in yes.

'What's his photo doing here then?' Mrs Abida asked

'I will marry him. He will be my husband.' Nora said while smiling and everyone else start laughing even the Mrs Abida and Nora frowned.

'In your dreams.' One of girl from class said and everyone else again burst into laugh while Nora glared at her.

'Shut up.' Nora screamed and everyone stopped laughing

'Behave Nora.' Mrs Abida said and Nora looked down.

'But they are one who annoying me.' Nora complained

'We are only saying truth. He will not a marry a girl like you.' Another girl said who was sitting few seats away from her. Nora glared at her then walked towards her and throw down her books on floor.

'Shut the hell up.' Nora screamed

'Nora, that's enough. Now Get out.' Mrs Abida said angrily and Nora looked at her loudly sighed and looked back at girl

'He will be mine one day. You just wait and see.' Nora screamed to her then walk back then collected her books and bag then slowly walked out.

Sher stepped out from his car and opened the door and walked into building of hospital. He walked towards two receptionists and she stood up from her place in respect because he was their top doctor's son. He smiled and walked passed them walk towards elevator.  He entered in the elevator and closed it. He oreached on his floor then walked out and walk towards his office. It was lunch time so there was not many people there and anyway his father was country Private and top doctor. Only rich and people with appointment can come to meet him. He walked and stopped in front of her office and sighed then slowly opened the door and was about to entered but stopped because there his dad was standing wearing his white doctor coat but that was not all but  he was kissing some lady. Sher clenched his fist while they break away their kiss and he get to see women's face and she look really young even younger then him and she was his new secretary.

'You are more beautiful then any of girl in my life.' Mr Ra'is (his father) flirting said  and lady smiled while Sher quickly closed the door then walked off. He walked and opened the door of his secretary's office and entered but no body was inside. He walked and sat down on chair while waiting for her to come back. After about an hour the door opened and she entered and looked at him sitting on chair.

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