Chapter Thirty - 'Isla's Bar & Grill'

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Brody's neighborhood was beyond beautiful. The streets were painted in color and vibrance. Green tree's, bushes blooming with an array of flowers, brown and white picket fences, freshly mowed lawns; everywhere I looked, their was something rich and lively. Families were out and about, enjoying the lovely afternoon, walking their dogs, taking their kids for walks to the park. Brody's neighborhood was again, yet another piece of light that gave my world direction.

About twenty minutes, the car slowed, and I eagerly watched outside of the window, waiting to see which house was his. I wondered if Brad would be home, I wondered how he was coping without Penny by his side 24/7.
When we began to pull into a driveway, I needed to force my jaw not to drop. There was no way Brody and Brad would be able to afford a house like the one we were pulling into.
It was two story, brick, slightly raised on a hill, hedges lining the large front yard. The letterbox itself was flawless, a stunning brick filing cabinet with fancy gold numbers on the front and a large hole in the very center for junk mail.

"This is your house?" I asked, shocked while we neared the front of the house, slowing crawling in the car.

Brody laughed and nodded "Why is that so hard to believe?"

"It's huge, and so beautiful" I told him, staring in awe

"When my Grandfather passed away, he left a large amount of his fortune to me and my brother. I used the money to pay for about half of this place, so I don't own it entirely, yet" He admitted

Brody pushed a button on his set of keys, a button that had begun to raise the large two door garage attached to the side of the house. Slowly it lifted, and revealed the content inside. There was his day car, and room beside for the Supra. Towards the right of the garage, the entire wall was full of tools, cabinets and a small space workshop. To the left was a wall decorated in framed pictures, from a distance I could barely tell what they were, and directly beside that, was a door I suspected led inside.

Carefully Brody maneuvered the car into its spot and switched the motor off when it was perfectly in place.

"Is Brad home?" I asked, curious as we stepped out of the car

In a way, I had missed him, and I didn't know if that was because he brought a certain humor to my life, or if it was because he was now a part of Penny.

"I'm not sure to be honest" Brody replied, locking his car as I moved casually towards the photos on the wall, curiosity getting the best of me

The closer I became to the photographs on the drywall inside the garage, the more intrigued I grew. They were photo's of family, each and every diverse frame holding a unique group of faces. Some were full, some were simple. My eyes glanced over them one by one, attempting to recognize the inhibitors. Typically, I only knew two. Brody and Brad.

"Some of those photos date all the way back to my great, great, great grandparents" Brody revealed, pushing a key into the door leading into the home, the garage door just about reaching the floor where it locked all else out.

"That's incredible" I mumbled, smiling when I noticed a photo of Brad and Brody when they were young, arms around each other, just in their bathers, smiling as they clearly enjoyed a hot summers day outdoors.

"You have these photos instead of your parents?" I asked, walking towards Brody as he now stood with the door open, waiting for me

He shrugged "They're copies"

"Oh" I scoffed, now stepping over the threshold between the garage and his intimate home.

Instantly, light enveloped me, bright and welcoming. Modern decor and style greeted me, something I hadn't at all expected.
Brody didn't seem like the futuristic type, but that just showed how much I actually knew him. Barely.

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