Chapter Twenty Four 'Moving'

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"Thank you for today" I told Brody, a few minutes from my home

I was late, ten minutes past 5pm. I was going to hear about this. I just hoped Phoenix remained inside his own home, not waiting out the front of mine.

"You are more than welcome, next time I need to go into the city, I'll call you and you can come along again, those burgers were incredible too"

"They were some amazing burgers" I agreed with a smile

Five minutes later, we were pulling into the driveway. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that Phoenix was not there waiting for me. I couldn't think of one viable excuse to give Brody if he had in fact been there waiting for me.

I had expected Brody to wave me off and leave, but he instead turned the car off and hoped out with me. He needed to leave, but I didn't have the heart to actually tell him to get back in his car.

Slowly, I walked up my steps, wondering if he had intentions to follow me inside and hang around. The front porch light lit up as we came into contact with it's sensor. The sun had disappeared, night at it's growing wake.

Pulling my keys from my jeans pocket, Brody shoved his hands into his jacket

"Saturday, I'll pick you up, say midday?"

"Midday it is" I nodded, fumbling with my keys

For the first time during the day we spent together, it started to become awkward. What was he waiting for? How was I subtly going to tell him that he needed to leave?

"I had a great day Eden" He told me, his voice changing slightly into an underlying tone of nerves

"So did I"

"Alright, well I guess I'll see you Saturday" He sighed

"Saturday" I confirmed with a nod

That's when a thick lightening bolt inside my brain struck, all of the little signs and symptoms linking together, he was going to kiss me, and not in the innocent peck on the cheek way.

His eyes were watching my face, cautious, my breathe halted. Did I want to kiss him? Did I want to take it that far already? Deep down, I knew I didn't, but I didn't want to break his heart, I didn't want him to think that I wasn't interested at all in the possible future of something igniting between us. It took time, didn't it? Feelings of that magnitude didn't just exist upon meeting, they were earnt and developed, right?

"I should go, Dee is probably destroying the backyard out of boredom" The lie was a terrible one and I could almost see his heart break in half

I needed to fix it, and quick

"Oh, okay" He stumbled

"I was thinking though, after the races on Saturday, we should go to dinner"

His shoulders perked back up, his chin lifting "That would be great"

"Okay cool" I smiled, saving the relationship

His whole attitude changed as he smirked "Have a nice night"

"You too"

Without the pressure to seek where the relationship was going, he leaned down and kissed my cheek before walking down the stairs to get back into his car.

The minute he was gone, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I felt guilty

"Nice save" A male voice spoke, causing me to jump

I was half expecting to see Dylan, or Jaz, someone that had caught me off guard ready going to pounce, finishing the job off

"Sorry" Phoenix held his hands up "That was a bad idea"

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