54. Pack

286K 7.8K 6.9K

Chapter Soundtrack:
Sam Tinnesz - Man or Monster

Song selection by jazzwynter

This chap hasnt been edited bc i wanted to publish on time. I will edit it later and re publish it of you want to read the fixed version.

Thank you for being patient.
I warn. This chap isnt my total best.
But its good.
I dont have a song for the chap yet bc im too emotional to listen to any music at the moment so if you have one that fits the mood, please send it. Ill check it out when i feel a little better!

Two weeks later
(From the chapter Down We Go).

Same time frame as Nova was in the last chapter.


Fog hung from the surface of the lake like a thick blanket.. the air chilly and moist. The clouds were gray hanging in the sky, hiding the sun.. not letting it make its appearance yet. Early morning was always quiet like this in autumn.. only the sounds of the lakes water lapping around.

I couldn't risk being outside once all the wolves were awake.. just in case.. as far as they knew, i still killed my brother for nothing. I was the monster. Blake hadn't had that meeting yet.. everyone was waiting on me to get better.. worried i would actually succeed in killing myself ..

So i snuck out early before the sky had a chance to light up with a glow from the sun which never came. Overcast. I just wanted to be outside.. take in the fresh air.. think..

I have been staying at the pack healers cabin.. Daisy. I couldn't bear to stay at my parents house.. and i couldnt bare staying alone in mine. Doc wanted me watched anyway.. and Daisy has been working with Doc to figure out whats going on with me..

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and turned away from the shore.. a little ways away from the pack house. I couldn't risk being seen. My wolf would tear into anyone who tried to challenge me.. i needed to be safe. My wolf has surged through so many times this past week whenever someone said something i didnt like.. the wolf shifted completely.. trying to take them down. I had to be sedated a few times because of it. I wasnt well.

Walking back through the woods to Daisy's cabin, I kept my eyes to the ground as my feet crunched along dead leaves.. thinking to myself..

Nova was always the first thing that came to mind.. how i missed her.. i hoped she was okay. I hope she missed me even a little.. i couldnt sense her anymore but every now and then i would feel a tingle in the back of my mind.. she was thinking about me when i would feel that. Would i ever see her again?

My mind wandered to what's been happening with me.. how much my skin side has weakened to the point i no longer feel superior.. no longer feel like an alpha blood. My title being taken away from me as next alpha had hit my wolf and me hard.. growing up thinking we were much more, only to find out that someone.. my brother i never knew i had.. that he was more than me. He was the next Alpha. 

As i entered Daisy's cabin from the back door, the smell of dragon chai tea aroused my senses.. i could hear her and Doc talking in the den. It was a little early for him to come by for a checkup.  I made my way to the den to see Doc sitting across from Daisy at the kitchen table sipping a cup of hot tea. His shorter than average frame, a little heavy from too much sweets, made the chair seem non existent..

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