9. Twisting Knives

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Hello... Its me.. I've been wondering-

Okay just kidding! Haha

Just wanted to say I love all of your comments on trying to decipher what is going to happen next! Keep them coming! PS: if you have any great song selections for certain chapters feel free to send me them and I'll check them out and send a shout!


The day had gone into evening, time had flown past quickly... The sun setting in the horizon as the lake side reflected that burning sun from behind us.

The flames from the bonfire licked at embers, sending flames into the air.. Crackles from the sound of burning wood.

That was the only sound.

The crowd was hushed as Nic's enraged filled eyes found Zaryns. I just watched as Zaryn dropped his head in shame before meeting Nic's eyes , his chest inflating with a breath of air. He was preparing himself.

Nic stalked towards him with a fury.. Fists clenched at his sides.. Knuckles bone white. Ready to defend me..

"How dare you disrespect my sister!!!" He screamed , veins becoming prominent in his neck and forehead. Zaryn kept his expression neutral but sadness could be seen in his blue eyes. His best friend.. Ready to fight him over my honor. He lost everything with one mistake.. One action.. But at the same time he gained two..

I just watched with wide eyes from the side as Nic rared back and sent a blow to Zaryn's face causing him to stumble backwards. He threw another punch making Zaryn fall to the ground, wiping blood from his nose before spitting blood out of his mouth. Zaryn remained on the ground, head down.

"SHIFT!! Fight me like a man!" Nic growled, his wolf ascending , ready to take over... Snapping of bones had alerted everyone that his wolf was breaking free, bodies shuffling backwards. Nic was a fierce fighter... Both of them were.

Zaryn just shook his head. Sadness .. Emptiness in his eyes. "No. I won't fight you ."

Aduible gasps were heard from the other wolves. An alpha blood never backs down from a fight unless they think they fight is worthless.. It was sort of a snub for him to refuse to fight Nic but it wasn't because he thought Nic to be worthless of his fight. He didn't want to fight him because he knew he was wrong..

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