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The next morning I was one again awoken by the angry voice of the guard. I was tired of it. I don't know how I was going to spend the rest of my life listening to that. I got up just as the bars sled open. They took us to the showers then to breakfast. Breakfast was a bowl of oatmeal and bread. I sat at an empty table for once. Danny and two other guys joined me.

"Hey Jace meet Tony and Sam."

"What are they, your games buddies?" I laughed.

They sat quietly and ate their food.

"Just in case you needed witnesses." He whispered and winked.


Out of nowhere Danny punched me across the face. I flew from my chair in surprise. I got up and he was clutching his knuckles from pain. I grabbed him shoulder and slammed his face to the table. The other prisoners began to back up as he fell to the ground. He was in pain and yet was laughing. I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall. His face was already all messed up with scratches.

"Don't break anything." He whispered closing his eyes getting ready.

"Don't worry." I chuckled. This was fun.

I punched him in the stomach and twisted his arm behind is back forcing him to kneel on the floor. Once he did I kicked his leg and he fell down groaning. By that point the guards already ran up to where we were with their Taser guns and their police bats. I smiled putting my hands behind my head. They cuffed me then two of them dragged him away. Hopefully the plan worked. Mr. Conner walked up to me, stepping over the blood on the ground.

"Ahh Mr. Augustine, I knew you were just like the others." He smiled. "You need to be where all violent animals go, solitary." 

The guard that gave me an attitude shoved me forward and escorted me to solitary. He was walking behind me holding my cuffed hands. We got to the cell and he forcefully un-cuffed me and shoved me into the cell.

"Have a nice life." He smiled sarcastically.

I heard his footsteps fade away and I clutched my knuckles. They were scratched. I sat down on the cold metal bed glued to the wall. "Hopefully everything goes as planned" I said to myself. Time seemed to go by so slow. I began to get sleepy but forced myself to stay awake. Every time I closed my eyes I thought about how good it felt to beat up Danny. Mr. Conner was right, I was an animal.

Soon enough I found myself waking up to the sound of footsteps and whispers. I knew it was Alysha and Mr. Conner, they were arguing.

"It's been a whole day already, let him out."

"Why do you care so much about him huh?"

"He's my patient for Pete's sake. I'm supposed to do what's in his best interest. And you know about his condition."

"Excuses excuses, he's practically been in solitary his whole life."

"You're not a doctor, you don't get it. Solitary, just being here in this prison with no medications could damage whatever left he has of his psyche."

"Alright, but please you don't need to keep these so called therapy sessions going, at least not for such a long time."

"Mind your business and do your job. You already failed once before."

There was a silence for a while then a really low whisper I couldn't make out. I heard the sound of heals clicking away and the snaps of fingers. The door opened shinning in bright lights.

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