Chapter 16 - Make it stop !

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Katherine's POV

I hate him.

Yes i do.

Don't give me that look because I seriously do.

He took my scarf away and he is not planning on giving it back.

And the two other men are laughing at my uncomfortableness, and my face probably went fifty shades of red from all the embarrassment.

I hate him.

F*ck him.

You already did.

Oh my god , stay out of this !

Okay , i am going crazy , this man i call my husband is driving me crazy that I am arguing with myself for god's sake.

I hate him.

Ugh !

I couldn't be more thankful when the doctor entered the room averting their attention away from me.

Finally ! Phew.

"How are you doing today Mr. Ryder ?" The doctor asked Mark , stepping closer toward him.

"Better." Mark said , "When i will be able to leave ?"

"I see you can't wait till you get out of the hospital." The doctor said amused.

As if anyone loves hospitals. I mentally scoffed.

"Yeah ! I can't sit and do nothing." Mark said , "I also have a lot of work waiting for me."

"Well, that's not going to happen anytime soon." The doctor said raising an eyebrow. "You won't be discharged for almost two weeks , you still need to stay under supervision in case any side effect shows up due to the artery grafting we did."

"Hold on , hold on." Mark said raising his hand interrupting the doctor, " You probably don't know me well. No way in hell i am staying two weeks here."

"I don't think you have a choice." The doctor replied and Mark scowled at him defiantly.

"There is work i need to manage , more than one million employees are depending on me." Mark said , he looked unsatisfied, "Tell me doctor, how would you feel if these people lost their jobs because of you."

The doctor chuckled at Mark's comment ,"Even when you go out , you can't start working , your body is still so weak , you can't start working for like two months."

"Are you planning on giving me another heart attack ?" Mark asked placing his hand on his heart faking pain, he looked as if about to faint after what the doctor just said.

We all chuckled at his expression.

I think when they did the surgery, they probably did something to his brain , because seriously, who is this man?

He is joking , laughing , and he is being so nice.

It's weird.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now