Chapter 4 - I hate that I love you

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Katherine's POV

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncovered my face. I blinked, closed my eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window and blinded me. I sat up, dragged my feet off the bed, and rubbed my knuckles onto my eyes.

I stretched my arms above my head and yawned as i watched my legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet.

Me eyes traveled to the digital clock placed on the counter, the  big green numbers displayed on made me let out a groan.

It is almost noon and i am still sleeping , this pregnancy is making me so damn lazy.

After going to the bathroom , changing my clothes and fixing my hair, I went out of the room carefully looking around afraid i may bump into him or anything.

I stayed in my room since last night, I didn't want to see him or talk with him after what happened.

I still can't believe that he did that. I know I shouldn't be this much hurt,

But god i am..

I went down my eyes still roaming around. I really hope he went to work.

I saw Skyla cleaning the living room, when she spotted me she gave me a warm smile , "Good morning Mrs. Ry.. I mean Katherine." She directly corrected herself when she noticed the look on my face.

If she just know how much i hate that name..

"Morning Skyla." I said with a smile , my eyes still wandering around searching for Ashton.

"He left like two hours ago." She said reading my mind, grabbing my attention to her.

"Oh okay." I said feeling a bit relieved.

I was about to walk away leaving her to finish her work but she called my name making me turn around.

"I found these papers here , do you want me to get rid of them?" She said pointing at something on the counter.

I walked toward it , my eyes widened when i realized that it is the contract papers from yesterday ripped into many pieces.

Why would he rip them after I signed them ?

I get really confused not understanding his action , but a small note laying beside the papers caught my attention.

I grabbed it , noticing the words written over it , i recognized it as Ashton's handwriting.

"I didn't send these papers, i would never do that.
I hope you would believe me.
                                   -Ashton "

His words were enough to make even more confused , if he didn't send them then who did ?

And how in hell his signature was on them , is he lying or something ?

I got more confused and anxious as many thoughts started running in my mind, and many emotions rushed inside my chest.

The thing that i felt the most - a thing i am not supposed to feel but i am so damn nice- was guilt.

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