13. Did we just steal ice cream?

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First day of camp summer 15

I walk down the long trail, heading towards my cabin. My bus was a little later than some of the busses so that explains why Marlee and Lexi didn't wait for me. I don't blame them, it's a warm day today, and I'm sure they were eager to see our cabin.

Every year Marlee, Lexi and I and Molly request to be in the same cabin. And for some reason Mackenzie tags alongs, trailing her pink suitcase behind her. She is so mean to us, especially Molly and me, I don't understand why she wants to be in our cabin. It's honestly extremely perplexing. But oh well, I just hope there's not a lot of drama this summer.

I look down at my activity sheet, checking the name of my cabin. This year we are the green tree frogs. The name isn't that bad, compared to some of the others. I saw a cabin as I was walking down here called the' crunchy cockroaches'. Eww, just thinking about it makes me cringe in disgust.

In front of me stands my cabin and I quickly knock-to warn anyone in there that I'm going in- and open the door. Before I can see anything inside, three bodies fly at me. They embrace me into a hug. I really missed them. I know I say that every year,(and I will most likely continue to for a long time) but it's true.

Marlee, Lexi, and Molly all let go of me, allowing me to look them in the face. Marlee grew a few inches, she's probably as tall as me now. Lexi's braces are gone and blue dye is applied to the yips of her hair. And Molly's waist long hair is now cut a little below her shoulders. But besides that they all looked the same.

I smile,"I missed you guys so much!"

They all smile, stating that they missed me too. We talk for a while. About life, boys, school, jobs, anything that pops up in our crazy heads.

When we get to the subject about vacations, I remember something." Oh wait." I quickly run over to my duffle bag, pulling out three braclets that I bought when I was at the beach over the summer. "I got these for you guys." I hand each of them a matching bracelets and fiddle around with the one on my wrist, hoping they like the gift.

Molly examines the blue bracelet, smiling."It's so pretty!"

"Yeah, thanks Rowan." Marlee gushes.

Lexi smiles."It's super pretty! Where did you get it from?"

"I got it from a store next to the beach in Santa Cruz when I was in California this summer."

Lexi smiles,"the beach with the really good ice cream store next to it?"

I cock an eyebrow, sort of confused. Had she been there? Did she already have this bracelet ? Oh no, no one likes getting the same gift twice. Calm yourself Rowan, it's going to be okay."Yeah, how did you know that?"

"I went there over the summer!"

"That's cool. Who did you go with?" I expecte a different answer, something simple, like her parents, but nope.

"Oh, um.. I went with my friend Paige."

Boom! Mind blown. Is it just a coincidence? It has to be right? I mean California is a big state, filled of tons of girls who probably have the Paige."Paige? As in Paige with blond hair?" I sound like some insane defective, desperate for answers. I can't help it, I am shocked. Why didn't she tell me? She had to have mentioned my name, we are best friends,right? No Rowan, were. You were best friends.

She nods, catching on."Yeah, she does actually."

I try one more question that will for sure settle it,"the same Paige who loves ice cream more than her family?"

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