1. Camp Lincoln

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Summer 13:

As I step onto the bus I feel the blazing hot sun beat down on my neck. I'm mad that I'm such a forgetful 13 year old, suddenly regretting not putting my hair up into a ponytail.

I look down at my wrist, noticing a bright purple hair tie, but my hands are too full to worry about my hair right now. I quickly shift my heavy duffel bag onto my other shoulder, giving the left shoulder a break from having to carry the overpacked bag.

Although I am wishing for my hair to magically go up into a pony tail right now, I don't really care that it's hot, or that Im sweating. I don't even care that my messy hair and poorly chosen outfit make me look like a total mess. I am going to Camp Lincoln, and that's all that matters. Two whole weeks away from home. This is the second year that I have been to this camp and away from my family, but I'm still a little nervous.

I look up at the rows of bus seats in front of me, realizing everyone is eyeing me and waiting for me to sit down. My cheeks instantly turn bright red as I quickly sit in the first open seat I see.

Once I'm settled In my seat, I lookup, realizing I had sat in the fourth row. The bus is pretty crowded,with only 5-6 open seats left.

" Hey."

The cool, steady voice startles me. I didn't realize I had sat next to someone.

I quickly turn to my left to see the person beside me. Wow. My jaw practically drops as I look at the boy. The boy with the brightest blue eyes you have ever seen, and crazy brunette hair. There is no doubt about it, this boy is very attractive.

He actually looks super familiar. I think about it for a quick moment, and then it clicks, I remember the mystery boy beside me. Is this really Jacob? He looks a lot different. Last year we were really good friends at camp. We laughed and made jokes about the yucky food and noisy counselors.

"Hey", I say, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Rowan?" His voice is soft and his tone polite.

"Jacob? Oh my gosh, hey." I give him a big cheesy smile, hoping he will appreciate my confidence. And he does. He sits there for a moment, smiling. We awkwardly hug.( it's pretty hard to hug when you're sitting down and you have a seat belt on)

"I was hoping you would come this year. I missed you. How have you been?"

"I've been good. What about you?" 

"I've been good too. Busy, but good." If I had as big of a glow-up as he did in a single year I would sure be "good" too. just saying.

I smile,"Well that's good."

It takes a minute but adventually we get a conversation going. He talks about his two younger sisters and tells me that his love for soccer has grown even more since the last time I saw him. I tell him about how my family and I have been going to the beach a lot and how my siblings are as crazy as ever.

An hour goes by and we finally arrive at Camp Lincoln. I look outside the window, staring at the green grass and perfect blue sky. It's beautiful!

I watch as the same tall blonde woman from last year heads toward the front of the bus, her short hair swaying back and forth as she walks. She is wearing a dark green polo shirt with the camp logo stitched on, and a pair of kaki shorts.

"Hi everyone, and welcome to Camp Lincoln! I'm miss Abby and I am the director here at camp."

I try zoning her out as she goes over all of the pointless rules of buss edict. I'm extremely hungry so I reach into my blue backpack for my Cheerios.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Jacob smiling as I sit there, eating my cereal. Does he like Cheerios? Does he want me to share? Take your eyes off my food Jacob. I mean I would share, if he asked.

Abby starts to dismiss the girls from the bus, saying that she'll dismiss the boys after us because of the 'ladies first' rule.

" Rowan?", Jacob asks me.

"Yeah", I ask, my heart rate speeding up a bit.

"You're cute when you're nervous. Well and when you're not nervous."

He looks worried for a moment before starting again,"shoot! That sounded stupid",he mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear. I just chuckle. He looks up at me again,"I said that out loud didn't I?"

I smile"yeah, but it's fine. I'll see you later tonight." I walk away, smiling.

As I step off the bus I think about what he said to me. I realize that I had just reunited with one of my best friends. But will we become something more?

Ahhhh!! I just finished my first chapter. I'm super excited to write more! In case you are confused, in the prologue Rowan is 18, but in this chapter she is 13. This whole book is sort of like a flashback.


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