Chapter 24

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Hey ya'll,

So sorry this upload has taken so long! I've had a lot going on in life lately, and I haven't been able to make writing my top priority. It seems like something is always coming up and I'm never able to just sit down for an hour and write like I like to do. It also doesn't help that I'm sick again. :( Ergh. Can't wait for it to stop being the weather where you get the un-cure-able cold! Haha.

Again, I'm really sorry about the long wait, and I'll definitely try to upload faster from now on!

~D :)

Katy's POV

The feelings fluttering around inside of me were strange. I wasn't quite sure what to do with them all and how to process them. I had confliciting emotions--relief, hurt, disappointment, happy, sad....see? I did say that they were conflicting! One at a time please, right?

Relieved: I was so glad that Jordan and I were able to work out things and not head towards divorce. Hurt: not too sure why I was feeling that. Maybe my pride and self-confidence took a little hit. Disappointed: I honestly had not wanted to hear that Jordan still had feelings for his ex-fiance! Happy: again, because I wasn't about to lose the life that I had grown to love. Sad: I think that had to do with the fact that he wasn't over Khiana, as well. (Something about her just irked me!) 

Jordan pulled into the restaurant, and to be honest, I rushed to get out of the car. I was hurrying towards the entrance when a hand caught me by my shoulder. It threw me off, and I lost my balance. I stumbled backwards, right into the person behind me. Thankfully, that person was Jordan, and not some random stranger I had never met.

"Whoa, Katy," he said. "Slow down. Why are you in such a rush?"

"I'm not. I mean, I'm not trying to hurry. Okay, maybe I am, but let's just say I'm not!" the mixed emotions that were swirling around inside of me were affecting my speech. I couldn't say amything that made any sense.

"Why are you hurrying, but saying you're not hurrying? Or are you not hurrying but you just seem like it, and I'm thinking that you're hurrying but you're really not," Jordan said.

I felt my face transform into a mask of confusion. "Huh?" I said dumbly. "That made no sense."

Jordan laughed. "Okay you're right. I did just talk in circles. But I just want to know why you're in a hurry to get inside?"

"Um, I'm hungry?" I said, my statement sounding more like an interrogative sentence than it did a declarative sentence.

 A skeptical look crossed his face. "I don't think that's the reason, but whatever," he said. "Whatever floats your boat."

The truth was, I wasn't very hungry. But I knew that being in a restaurant with other people surrounding us and the distraction of food, as well. "So, let's just go inside," I said. Pulling away from Jordan's hand on my shoulder and walking purposely to the door. I heard him mumbling something that sounded like 'whatever' behind me, but I chose to ignore it.

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