Chapter 18

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Katy's POV

I couldn't believe Khiana. Surely she knew that Jordan and I were married. So why in the world was I feeling like she was trying to steal my husband? And the better question was: why did I seem to care so much? I had no clue. It's not like I really cared about Jordan...or was it?

I picked up on the delicate punch glasses off of the table, not once looking back to see what Jordan and Khiana were up to. I didn't want to see if anything was going on between them. 

"Hello there," a deep voice.

I turned to see who had spoken. I found a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties standing behind me. "Hi," I said, smiling.

"Luke Jensen," he said stretching out his hand.

I took it and shook his hand politely. "Katy Hall. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he said. Luke Jensen was pretty cute, I decided as we made our introductions. He fit the description 'tall, dark, and handsome.' Black hair, dark brown eyes, dark complexion. He even had a faint air of mystery around him. He seemed like the typed that had every girl drooling over him. "So I don't think I've seen you at these things before. I'm sure I would've remembered your beautiful face."

I laughed and blushed. "Thanks, and yes. This is my first."

"What brings you here?" Luke asked. He picked up a glass of champagne as he spoke.

"I'm here with Jordan Hall," I replied.

"Ah, are you his secret sister that has been hidden away from me in the past? Or perhaps a cousin of the Halls?" he said. 

"Actually, neither," I said. I took a sip of my punch before I dropped the bombshell. "I'm married to Jordan."

Surprise flashed in Luke's eyes. "Oh, I see," he said. "Well if you ever get bored with Jordan..." He trailed off and gave me a suggestive wink. "Feel free to call me up."

I laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Well, if you'll excuse me, I see my sister-in-law."

Luke smiled and nodded. "Nice meeting you."

I walked away, doing my best not to spill any punch or trip on my dress. Jamie smiled when she saw me. "Katy! Where's Jordan?" she asked. She was on the arm of Trevor, who looked as happy as a bird in the spring.

"Hey Jamie," I replied. "Hey Trevor. Um, that is a wonderful question. I haven't seen him in a few minutes. He was with Khiana, um, Marshall."

Jamie's face reflected disgust when I told her of Jordan's companion. "Khiana? Really? Wow."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I was wondering what had happened to make Jamie, who was normally an extremely sweet person, have such distaste for a certain Khiana Marshall. Of course, I didn't have a very good impression of Khiana, but I had only known her for a few minutes.

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