Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

That night, I lay awake, tossing and turning. I had been pretty quiet after Alejandro had left. Nyleena had known something was bothering me, but hadn't asked me what. I wasn't sure I could explain it.

It wasn't the apartment or the weird job offer or the sudden move. It was that in my position, I would have access to my brother. I hadn't seen him in ten years. He hadn't wanted me to visit. I wasn't on his approved visitor's list. He couldn't even get my mail.

Now though, now I had complete access. He could turn me away once I got there, but not before. I wasn't entirely sure what I thought of that. It bothered me in a way that I couldn't explain.

I was terrified at the thought of the new job; it was nothing like I had done before. Before, my life and work had always revolved around a college campus, for the first time, it didn't.

I tossed and turned as the digital clock next to the bed continued to count off the hours. I hadn't slept the night before either. I didn't feel exhausted, but I would by the afternoon. I was used to sleepless nights. With my stomach in knots, I finally gave up on sleep. It wouldn't come now, no matter what I tried. Sleep had escaped me.

Today though, I had something to do. A task. I had to get approved to carry a firearm.

I had never owned a gun. I had never felt the need to own one. An argument could be made that I was exactly the sort of person that needed one, but not by me.

I showered until I ran out of hot water. My skin had turned a dark red from the heat. I toweled off, got dressed and exited my apartment. I heard the bolts slide into place as I turned the key in the deadbolt to lock it. A small beep signaled that the alarm had been set as well.

I waved to the two guys at the security desk. They smiled and nodded back. The doorman had changed, I was unfamiliar with him. He said good morning. I agreed with him and went to the garage.

Once at the garage, I had to show my ID again. An attendant let me in. I found my parking space and my car.

Darkness was still upon the city. For an hour or so, I drove around aimlessly. I may not have been born in Kansas City, but I had been here often as a kid and knew my way around. Eventually, I found my way to the address on the card.

I knocked and showed my ID badge to the camera. Someone buzzed me in. A skinny guy with black hair and a goatee that was well trimmed met me at the door.

He smiled and showed me to my office. He was the night security guard. No one else was in yet.

My office was drab and sparse. A utility desk, a high-backed office chair, a laptop with docking station, an empty bookcase and a second, less comfortable looking chair was all it held. The night guard told me to make myself at home. He gave me a temporary password and told me to change it immediately or "The Geek" would be all over my ass.

I did what I was told. I logged onto the laptop that appeared to be brand new. I changed my password to a long passphrase that was half Russian, half German and then stared out the window.

At least it had a window. It looked out onto a field. The field was a wasteland. Tall weeds were fighting with prairie grass to see which would win the plot of land. Not a single tree could be seen. Dirt could though, in spots, particularly when the eye moved closer to the asphalt.

"Around here, we give out nickels for your thoughts," a new guy entered the office.

My first impression was not a good one. He seemed out of place. His shirt had a Doctor Who reference that I got only because Nyleena was in love with Doctor Who. His glasses had tape on them. Not on the ear pieces, but a sliver of it on the lens. His hair was strawberry blonde and unkempt. His jeans were faded, but not showing their thread count. And he was wearing Doc Martin boots. I have nothing against Doc Martin's. I happened to love mine, but they didn't seem to fit with the surroundings.

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