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The door finally opens in the hospital room I'm in. Nothing is wrong with me. Everything is fine I keep telling them but they don't believe me. Whatever my mom said convinced them something is. Checked by doctors then having Jayden taken from me. I don't even have Jared and it's all my mom's fault. She's destroying everything. My whole life with Jared is gone because of her. She stripped my happiness away and for what reason?

What are they going to do to him? Why do they think he's a bad person when I keep saying he's not? Do I have to work harder to make them believe me because I will. Jared hasn't hurt me in years. He loves and cares about me. He loves me so much he gave me the choice to leave when I was pregnant with Jayden but I didn't. I was happy. I realized the way I was acting was wrong Jared was giving me a new life. He loved me while no one else did. He's everything but my mom had to take it away.

"Hi, Jonhathan. I was wondering if we could talk." a woman says walking over to where I am sitting up in the bed.

I won't look up to meet the woman's eyes. I don't want to be here. I want to go home where everything was perfect. Everything was fine until yesterday before everything changed for the worse. "I don't want to talk. I want to go home."

"I know you do. I talked to your parents and they want you home too but first-"

"That's not home." I correct her. I won't go back to live with my mom who never cared about me and a dad who was absent. They didn't care. They didn't love me but Jared did. Jared has loved me and that's where I want to go. We were a family.

"Jonhathan, you can't go back with Jared."

"Why not? He loves me. He cares about me. We have kids together and you're saying I can't be with him because of what? My age? His age? My mom saying some bullshit story because she feels bad for never paying attention to me growing up?"

"You were fifteen and he was twenty seven."

"So? What does it matter? Just let us go." I plead.

"Jonhathan have you ever heard of Stockholm syndrome?" I don't answer. I don't understand what that has anything to do with this. "It's when someone falls in love with the person to take them captive. You think he loves you and you want to stick up for him but it's not love Jonhathan. He took advantage of you at a young age."

"You're wrong!" I yell out.

"Am I?" she asks, her eyes examining me waiting for an answer. "You are a victim Jonhathan whether you realize it or not right now." she says, a smile plastered across her face.

She's lying. She doesn't understand what Jared and I had was love. He isn't a bad person. He's not a bad person. He loves me. He saved me from the life I was living. I wanted to die and he gave me a better life. She doesn't know what she's talking about and she's not going to make me fall for her lies that he's a bad person for loving me.

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