The Deal

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The sun shined high in the sky and the air still smelt like rain. Everything was soggy and muddy. It fit perfectly with the mood Berk was in. Nobody had seen Stoick all day. They worried for him. After drying out his boot Gobber the Belch traveled up the stairs and stood in front of the Chief's door. "Eh...Stoick?" Gobber knocked not to loudly," Ya there?" Nothing. Gobber stood there, not knowing if he should just barge in. He placed an ear to the door and listened. He heard his friend. Was he...crying? This was a shock to the blacksmith; Stoick never cried-except when his wife was taken. Gobber sighed then turned to leave. As he stepped down the stairs he spotted ships in the water. He saw their sail; it was the Beserkers. What could they be wantin', Gobber thought.

Gobber met the Beserker ships as they docked. What are they bringin' the whole Armada for?

One solider laid down plank and held his sword proudly to the sky,"Presenting the high Chief of the Beserker Tribe! Cracker of skulls! Slayer of beasts! The great and fearsome-"

"Oswald the Agreeable?" Gobber puzzled aloud.

"Dagur the Deranged!" the solider finished. He moved aside and revealed Dagur. The new Chief sneered and chuckled. He walked forward and onto the plank then jumped off and landed on the dock.

"Dagur...where is your father?" Gobber asked.

"My father has...retired," Dagur answered without looking at Gobber," He...lost his taste for blood. I on the other starving!" Dagur looked around," Where is he? Stoick?"

"Oh uh...ya see Dagur. Ye came at the worst possible time." Gobber tried to explain without tell him what happened," Maybe you could come back later?"

"Unfortunately, my one legged friend, I cannot return another time." Dagur started walking down the dock," It is the annual treaty signing of the tribes. It cannot simply be rescheduled! Now...where is he?"


Stoick sat in the darkness. His heart was heavy and his mind was on a constant loop. The look on Hiccup's face. The hurt. Suddenly his front door bursted open. Sunlight quickly filled the room and scared away any shadow that tried to stay. Stoick had almost jumped out of his seat. There stood Dagur, acting as if he owned the place. ¨Dagur! What in Thor's name are you doing!?" Stoick bolted up.

"What I'm doing is seeing why you are so mopey!'' Dagur walked right in.

'' It's really none of your business Dagur!'' Stoick bellowed.

'' Okay...fine,'' Dagur sighed, '' So...where's Hiccup?''

Stoick's heart almost stopped when he heard his son's name. He sat down, ''He's...else where.''

Dagur smiled, '' Did...uh...something happen to him?''

'' I said it's none of your business,'' Stoick exploded.

''Oh gezz...sorry!'' Dagur did his best to hid his grin. ''You know talking about it may make you fell better.''

Stoick sighed. He knew Dagur wasn't shut up until he was told the whole story. '' Hiccup choose a dragon over me okay!''

'' A dragon!'' Dagur exclaimed, '' What kind of dragon? A Nadder? A Monstrous Nightmare!?''

'' No...a...a Night Fury,'' Stoick said reluctantly.

'' A NIGHT FURY!' ' Dagur squealed, '' So they do exist! ''

'' What's it to you? '' Stoick turned away.

'' Oh...I dunno...'' Dagur held back his chuckle. Sinister thoughts clouded his mind. '' Maybe I could...find him-or them. ''

What? Stoick was puzzled, '' Why on earth would want to find my son? ''

'' What other reason could I have than helping a fellow Chief out? '' Dagur patted Stoick's shoulder.

'' What's in it for you? '' Stoick stared Dagur down. He knew Dagur was up to something.

'' about a redo on this treaty,'' Dagur suggested.

'''A redo?'' Stoick could barely believe what he just heard, '' Why do you want a redo!? ''

'' Oh just to change a few things, but...let's not worry about that right now. Let's focus on Hiccup,'' Dagur waited for Stoick's answer.

Stoick turned away. He knew Dagur was up to no good but...he wanted to see Hiccup again. To apologize. To right the wrong. Even if it meant making a deal with Dagur. '' Just...don't kill the dragon Dagur,'' Stoick explained.

'' No killing the dragon. Got it! '' Dagur smiled. The two shook hands. As Dagur left Stoick sat back down. He stared at the pictures of the Night Fury that laid out before him. And in the back of his head he felt as if he had made a terrible mistake.

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