Chapter 6

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The sun was blazing in the room, shining brightly on the white sheets. The window cracked slightly as it let in a cool breeze to make the room less hot. Small animals could be heard in the silent room, as Sky shifted slightly waking up, from her slumber. Her long hair matted slightly from being asleep for so long. Her eyes slowly open as she looks around the room, not really knowing were she is. A yawn escapes her mouth as she sits up and rubs her tired blue eyes. She looks around once again as she got up. Trying to remember were she was, she walked along the wood floor as it creaked under her weight, filling the once silent house. Mitch must have heard her getting up, as he was there in the room within seconds trying to think of a way he was going to do this. Her bright blue eyes meet Mitch's as a small smile formed on her lips. Her voice was soft and quiet, as she spoke to him.

"Mitch, were are we?" her hair went to the side slightly as she tilted her head in confusion. Mitch's eyes wander slightly around the room, as he thought for a second before saying;

"Don't worry about that sweetheart. Now I have someone waiting for you, but you got to keep calm okay?"

"Okay, Mitch, but who is it?" All he did was shake his head and grab her small hand and engulfed it in his. He slowly brought her outside the room. The windows were opened liked her's as she felt a small breeze hit her skin. Hey blue eyes wandering through out the hall way she noticed there was a lot of rooms, most doors closed, and once seems to be locked. She was going to go over to it, but Mitch gently tugged her along downstairs. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes, and bacon hit her nose, as the fumes filled the whole downstairs. Her mouth watered slightly at the thought of the food, as she hadn't eaten in a couple of days, because of the pill she had been drugged with. He gently leads her into the kitchen, opening the door and leading her in, he lets it go and lets it swing. Sky looked around the kitchen until her eyes, met someone else. Someone's eyes she could not forget, her bright blue eyes, met those of her kidnaper. The icy blue eyes, that only ever had held darkness. The midnight black hair that fell infant of his eyes, she could never forget. She stood there frozen, the whole house silent, only the sound of the sizzling bacon, and the creaking of the door that slowly stopped swinging. A small smirk played on his lips, as he looked at her, up and down before meeting those blue eyes he missed so much. 

"Hello Sky. Long time no see. Right?"  A small chuckle asked his mouth as his eyes glinted with amusement. Mitch looked between the two, then to Sky. Who has not moved a single muscle. Her mouth slightly parted as she stood there, like a deer in head lights. Finally the silence was broken when she took a step backing.

"W-why are you here? I thought you were dead! What is going on Mitch?!" Her voice rose at each word as anger and fear took over her. Mitch gently grabbed her and made it so she couldn't leave the kitchen.

"Baby, just sit down. We will explain everything soon. Okay? Just sit down" 


"Sky, trust me, I won't hurt you. You know that."

"O-okay. Fine" She shakily pulled out the toll as it scrapped on the marble floor. Sitting down she placed her hand on her stomach and frowned. Mitch frowned slightly and looked at Damon. He nods and goes and gets her a plate of food, stacking the pancakes high, and putting some bacon, and sausage they had also cooked. Dousing it with maple syrup he goes over and puts the plate in front of her. He went over grabbing a bottle of water and placed it in front of her, she looked at it skeptically, then at Mitch. Mitch nodded as he gave a soft smile.

"Like I side sweetie I wouldn't hurt you. I made it." 

"its true he did." Damon cut in and gave what looked to be a soft smile. She nodded slowly and cut up the pancakes and started to eat. The two guys looked at each other and nodded and looked by over to Sky. 

"We are guessing your want to know whats happening. So we will tell you." They said at the same exact  time.  Mitch started and looked at her.

"We have taken you to this house because.." he trailed off as Damon started to explain.

"Your in danger..we took you here to save you." 

"We can tell you more of that later but we have to stay her, Damon will help us." 

"Don't worry. We won't hurt you. We promise."

"Don't worry sweetie, we will explain more later bu-" he got cut off as there was a bang on the door. Mitch froze and quickly went and looked out the window. There was two big guys standing on the porch with loaded guns. Mitch growled and took a gun from his pocket.

"Damon, they are here. Hide her." there was a bang through out the whole house. Then it went silent, before you heard a low chuckle and deep gruff voice said.

"Come out were every you are guys~" 

Happily Every Afterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن