Chapter 3

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The crystal blue waves crashed onto golden sand, hot from the beating sun. A couple sat in the sand on a dark blue blanket looking as the waves crashed. A couple of birds fly around them waiting until they get food from the sitting couple. A small breeze comes takes the smell from the ocean filling the air with it. The girl smiled brightly as she took her cover off showing her bikini she gets up and smiles

"I am going in the water Mitch. You should come and join me soon." She chuckled and smiled and skips off to the water. The water crashes onto the sand going and touching her feet. She smiles as she takes a couple of steps deeper into the cooling water. She shivers softly as the water hits her stomach. She smiles softly and places a hand softly on her stomach and looks down and smiles more and giggles softly to herself before going under water and swimming out a littler further. Mitch watches her from the shore and sighs looking at the towels.

"Dammit Damon. You messed up our plan. She was supposed to have her baby before we went." He chuckles darkly, as he whispered quietly to himself. 

"Even thought the baby won't matter after its born." He chuckled again before looking at his beautiful girl. He looked and shook his head seeing her wave him in. He looked at her sighing as he got up and took his shirt off and throws it into the small bag. He walks down to the water and goes into it and swims out to Sky. They both stayed at the beach tell, the sun that once was beating down on them was setting into the horizon. The sky was orangish yellow and the clouds slowly going away, as the bright stars and moon start to appear. Mitch and sky packing everything up, when Sky notices an envelope on the dark blue blanket she was just about to fold. She picked it up reading the words written on it, to: Sky, my only love. The girl smiled softly as she looked at Mitch.

"Mitch is this for me?" She giggled softly and smiles. He nodded his head, as he brushed his bangs out of his face and chuckled and smiled.

"Yeah. open it." He said a fake smile covering up the dark smirk. She smiles and opened it pulling out the two plane tickets to Australia . Her eyes widen and she smiles brightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly and kissing him deeply. He chuckled into the kiss before kissing her back tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. She pulls back and smiles more as she looked at the plane tickets.

"Are you serious Mitch? We are going to Australia?!" She squeals excited. 

"Yes Sky we really are going. Do you like it?"

"Yes! I love it! Thank you so much Mitch!!" She said, before kissing him deeply again. He chuckled before kisses back again. He pulls back and chuckles. 

"Come on Sky, lets go home." He grabbed the blanket folding it putting it in the small bag.  He grabs the bag, basket in one hand and grabs Sky's hand in the other hand. She smiles brightly and holds his hand back. She walks with him as he walked back to their house only a couple of minutes away from their secret spot they found. They finally get to their house a couple of minutes later and walk into their house. They both get ready for bed and an hour later a thin blanket covers them as the lay in bed. Sky already sound asleep in Mitch's arms. Mitch still awake stroking her hair softly as he slowly falls asleep to the sound of the wind and the crashing waves on the cold empty sand beach.

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