Chapter 8

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Recap: So I said in the last chapter I would do a recap so here it is:

Maria and Logan mated because Logans mate had been marked by somebody else. So far you don't know who Logan's mate is and you don't know who marked her.

Maria's p.o.v

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. I opened my eyes to only shut them closed again.

" Stupid sun.." I mumbled rolling over to hit something hard. I opened my eyes to see Logan asleep with me in his arms. I looked down and realized I was naked. The events of last night came flooding back and I smiled. I looked at Logans sleeping figure he had bed/sex hair and his mouth was partly open. I bent down and kissed his nose which made him shuffle a little and then fall back into a deep sleep. I giggled and got up with the sheet rapped around my body. I walked to the closet and got out a cloths then walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and did my makeup and hair. When I got out of the bathroom Logan was still sleeping. I smiled and kissed his cheek before walking out of the room to go to my office.

I was in my office doing paper work when Logan walks in.

" Hey." He says. I smile and stand up.

" Hey." I say walking over to him giving him a kiss.

" How are you feeling?" Logan ask me. I smile and say

" Just fine. Wanna get something to eat?" I ask.

" Sure lets go." He replies.

Xaivers's p.o.v

I was laying in bed with Kirsty. She had fell asleep about 30 minuets ago. I couldn't sleep though ever since my beautiful mate left with her friends the pack house hasn't been the same. Her brother and her sister took it the worst though.


The party had just finished and everyone who lived at the pack house decided to hang out in the living room. Stacy was on my third in commands lap while her brother was making out with some slut on the floor. Kristy and I were on the couch and she was sitting on my lap. It was about 1 am so it was a little late. The backyard was a mess and so was the house. The was empty red cups and bear bottles everywhere.

" Can you call the pathetic ones to clean up it really messy everywhere."

Kristy said. I nodded my head. My wolf was growling at me saying it was to late for his mate to get up just so she can clean our mess. I just ignored him. She might be my mate but she was a weak pathetic werecat how is it going to look to be the only Alpha in existence with a weak cat as his mate. I wish fate could have given me Kristy as my mate. She is strong, has a great body, and is great in bed.

I mentally sighed. I might not like my mate but I do feel a little bad waking her up at this time to clean my mess.

" Get downstairs now."

I said in my Alpha voice. Kristy started kissing my neck. I looked around the room for a second and saw Stacy and my third in command kissing and Max was still kissing that slut and my friends were playing video games on the tv. I pulled my attention back to Kristy. Her hand were rubbing my 6 pack. Right now I usually would have been turned on but since I found my mate this doesn't seem appealing to me. Kristy pulled away and said

" Babe where are they didn't you call them like 15 minuets ago?" I nodded my head. It isn't like them to be late even if they sleeping.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! I SAID GET DOWN HERE!" I said angry and in my alpha voice. After a 10 more minuets no one came down. I started to get a bad feeling in my gut.

" Stacy, Max, go upstairs and get your sister." I said. They nodded but that's where everything went wrong.

Max's p.o.v ( still in flashback)

I walked upstairs with my sister. I was pissed of for two reasons.

1: She ruined my make out session with a slut that I think her name was Rebekah?

2: She went against a Alpha's order twice!

Everything was fine when are parents were alive but I think it was the day that they died that everybody just went bitter. I mean why did I have to have a weak sister like Maria! I am a freaken beta and she is a god damn werecat! I shook my head and continued walking up the stairs next to my sister.

We finally got to her room if you can call it that.

I banged on her door.

No answer

I banged on her door but harder.

No answer again.

" OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR MARIA" I said in my beta voice. Even though she has beta blood it still would take affect because she is a werecat but this time she didn't answer or open the door. I got a bad feeling in my gut. I tired opening the door but it was locked from the inside.

" Maria I am not playing if you don't open this door I will knock it down!" I yelled. She still didn't answer. I hit the door with my werewolf strength and it fell down. The room was dark and quiet. To quiet. The only sound you could hear were our foot steps. I turned on the light so we could see better.

" Maria?" Stacy said in a quiet voice. I looked around the room. Stacy walked into the bathroom but came out shaking her head. I opened one of her draws and saw nothing. I started to panic. I opened the other ones but there was nothing. I rubbed my face and that's when I saw a note on her dresser. I looked at Stacy and I could see her eyes were glassy. I walked towards the note and picked it up.

Dear MidNight Moon Pack,

We have decided to leave. As we I mean Nina, Alexis and I. If you don't know who that is then it's your 3 slaves. We are tired of your shit. We have put up with it for long enough. I really don't know what we did to deserve it we have listened to your every rule put up with the name calling and beatings and have NEVER said a word. Was it because we shifted into werecats? Or was it because my parents died? I don't know and I probably won't ever know. You have made my life a lving hell since that awful day and I really don't forgive you. It was so bad that when I was 15 I was going to kill myself but my best friend Nina talked me out of it. Now if you ever see us again do me a favor and don't talk to me or look at me I don't even want you to come near me. The 3 of us will try to survive out there but I rather die with them then in this house.

To my so called brother and sister

You might have been part of the bullying and call me names but you have never laid a finger on me. For that I still respect you but we WERE family and you were never there for me. Nina and Alexis were and are more apart of my family then you will ever be you might have given me hell but I wish you both the best in life.

To my so called " Mate " Xaiver.

I really don't have much to say. You rejected me and threaten to kill me so here it is

" I accept your rejection"

~~~~ Maria

End of flashback

Max beat the shit out of me that day but I deserved it. Stacy and him both cried there eyes out and stayed locked up in her room or the next week. Both of them won't talk to me unless its business talk about the pack. My wolf still hates me for rejecting his mate and I hate myself for rejecting her to. I swear if I ever see my beautiful little mate again I will make it up to her.

Picture is Kristy

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