Chapter 24: BlackHood Gang

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I push the glass door open to the mall and am welcomed by kids screaming,crying, laughing and running around. Teenagers were laughing and talking, and parents scolding there kids or shopping.

I look around and see hundreds of stores. I was looking for Forever 21, I always look there first because there's usually cute clothes there. I also had to buy shoes, accessories and get a manicure.

I walk around the mall and find Forever 21, I walk inside and Dangerous Women by Ariana Grande is playing. Forever 21, was kinda busy but I continued browsing.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned on my heel and saw Raymond, Alex, Kai, Val, Chris, Conner, Diana, Mel, Kylie and Gabi.

What the damn hell?! How thy always end up in the same spot as me?! Stalkers much! Wait, Raymond.. What is he doing with them.. He better not be in the gang-

"So your actual name is Allison Johnson." Raymond smirks. "I guess you didn't recognize me, Don from the other day." Raymond says holding out a hand. I clench my jaw, I swat his hand away. I turn on my heel to walk away.

He is in the gang.

I walk away from them and walk out of Forever 21 hearing them laugh at me. I look at Gabi, Conner and Kylie one last time. Gabi had guilt flashing in her eyes, she looked down, frowning, while the other two laughed the heads off. My friends aren't even a little loyal. I throw my drink in a garbage next to the store. I sigh.

Well, I'm done for today. I'll just go shopping with Scar next time.

I walk out of the mall and slip on the aviators that were sitting on my head. I walk to the back of the parking lot were my car was. It was getting quite dark outside, no one else was outside at the moment.

I grab my keys from my cross body and walk to my car. A strong hand grips my wrist and stops me from proceeding. I wince at the pain shooting through my left hand. I get yanked into a chest. I quickly slip my keys bag into my bag.

"Hello darling." A raspy ugly voice says, the voice came from a man covered in tattoo's was holding me to his chest. They were three more my behind him, they were young and attractive also had tattoos but not as much the tattoo covered man.

"What do you want from me?" I ask trying to fight away from his grip. I end up hurting myself more.

"Shut up." He hiss's into my ear. "We need to teach your friends a lesson for messing with us."

He gives my hand a tight squeeze, I wince again.

"F-Friends?" I ask.

"Alex and his gang, the BlackHood Gang." He hiss's. "I know your friends with them." He chuckles he throws me to one of the boys.

"Do your job then leave her here, on the floor." He orders.

"Yes sir." The boy who's holding me says. The tattoo covered man nods and walks away. I try yanking my hand away, but the boy who's holding me pins me down to a car.

"Hello Baby." He whispers in my ear then chuckles. He grabs a fistful of hair then pulls it very hard. I flinch and wince.

"Get the hot boiling water." He snaps. He grabs my hair then pushes my head down on a random red car. I groan and hiss.

He study's my body. He runs his hand along my legs. I flinch. He kiss's my neck and cups my left boob with his hand, and holds my butt with his other. I push his chest away with my hands. He pushed harder and bites on my skin, hard. His hand leaves my butt, and travels under my shirt up to my bra. He slides his hands under my bra and feels my boobs. I scream and he squeezes them. I try pushing him away but he wouldn't budge. He then drops his hand and goes to my shorts. He slides his hand into my pants and squeezes my ass with one hand my boob with another. I start sobbing. I try pushing him away again and again but he wouldn't budge. He started to kiss me neck again along with squeezing my boob and butt. I kick him in his crotch and he backs away instantly. I start running. He quickly recovers and grabs my hand and pushes my against a car.His eyes trail down to my hands, he notices the cut along my left arm. He smirks.

"N-No! Please, no!" I cry.

"Sorry baby doll." He says digging his nails in my cut. They re-open for the third time. I cry in pain, I stare at the blood pouring out of my skin.

He pushes my chin up with his index finger. He smirks.

He throws several punches to my face. I cry in pain.

"Please stop!" I cry. He lets go of me and I fall on the floor. I crawl a bit away. But before I get to far he kicks me in my abdomen. I scream another cry of pain.

"Ethan, we got the water." One of the other boys says.

"Perfect." The boy who was hitting me (Ethan) says with a evil smirk. "Bring it over here boys." He says.

The two other boys come my way with a big metal pot with a lot steam coming out of it.

"NO! PLEASE!" I cry tears furiously flowing down my bruised face. I have no energy to run away, or even crawl.

The boys chuckle.

"Pour it on her." Ethan orders. The guys smirk and make their way here. They tilt the pot and steaming hot water spills all over legs, they pour it slowly.

I hiss and cry in pain. They all laugh and pour more on me, this time on my abdomen and chest area. I cry louder and louder. Some of the water splashes on my face and neck. I hiss in pain. They smirk and dump all the water on my face. It starts burning me.

I scream as loud I can. They all start laughing. The two boys holding the pot drop it on my right leg. I cry in pain, I shake a bit and it rolls off of me.

"My whip, please." Ethan says holding his hand out. One of the boys grabs a whip from my left pocket in his pants. Ethan gladly takes it straightening it.

"P-Please.. Y-You've done e-enough.." I cry drenched in boiling hot water.

"Shut up!" He hiss's then slashes the whip on my arm. I cry in pain. I hear doors of the mall open. The boys didn't seem to notice because of their laughing, but I did. I'm not letting this chance go.

"H-HELP M-ME!" I cry out loud. Ethan sobers up and gets angry. He slashed his whip against my waist harder this time. I cry again. He throws his whip on the floor then bends next to me.

My lip quivers. Hasn't he done enough damage? Tears starting blurring my vision even more.

He grabs a fist full of hair and yanks it. I hiss in pain. And for the grand finale, he punches me in my face again. Then drops my head on the ground hard. I hear a thump.

I cry super loud, and I hear running. The boys flew away hearing the running. My eyes starting falling. I feel my head getting even more drenched. I look to the side.. I see blood. My blood.

I see multiple feet running up close to me.

"ALLY!" I hear a voice call.

My eyes fall, darkness consuming me.

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