Chapter 20: Bloody Chests & The Infected

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Dex's POV

WHEN I AWOKE I COULDN'T feel a thing. My whole body was numb. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing here, in this dark, smelly place. Them the memories came flooding back in. I had blown it, my secret was out and Mae knew the truth about me. 

Suddenly the feeling returned to my body and I felt a sigh of relief, then a wail of pain. I felt my wrist chained to the wall and then I looked down and noticed, for the first time, my bare chest was bloody and bruised. Whatever had happened it wasn't very pleasant. 

I recognized the long scratch marks of a knife. It was clear that Mae was behind some of this, she did carry a knife in her boot after all. I let out another scream of pain, as my vision blurred. I wasn't sure if I could survive this much longer. 

"Will you be quiet!" A voice snapped from the distance. I looked around in alarm, not sure where the voice came from, then again, I couldn't tell where anything came from currently. I tried to respond to this other person but all that came out were low moans and grunts.

"Would it kill you to be silent for a moment? I'm trying to get some, much needed rest!" The voice said. 

"I'm sorry." I moaned, not sure how I forced the words out of my mouth. 

"Well be quiet then!" The voice said. I then heard it mumble to itself, "Why does he have to scream? I'm here and I don't scream. How bad could it possibly be?"

"If you've got a problem with me, then say it to my face." I said, trying to be bold. It was rather useless though. The person snorted with laughter. 

"Alright I will." They said, then I heard them heave themselves up and start to walk over. When they finally came into view, I saw it was a girl about my age. She had blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, that were always guarded. I knew this girl. It was Charlotte.

"Dex?" She breathed.

"Charlotte." I said in return. 

She rushed to my side and wrapped me in a hug. I was so happy to see her. The the wounds on my chest reminded me, that her hug hurt, a lot. I screamed in pain, and Charlotte jumped back, started that she had hurt me. I smiled weakly and Charlotte did to.

"Oh Dex." She said, "I'm so happy to see you. I didn't realize it was you in here... I didn't mean to sound so harsh it was just that I thought you were doing it on purpose. I have so much to tell you. I'm sorry I wasn't back. I ran into some..." Charlotte was cut off abruptly when a door opened. Her eyes opened wide with fear, and she ran back around the corner where she originally was. 

When the door opened completely I saw that there was the boy, and Mae. I burned my eyes into her skull but she refused to meet my icy glare. The boy kneeled beside me.

"You're awake." He said, calmly.

"Thanks for the update." I grumbled. The boy took no notice of it and looked at my chest.

"My, oh my. What happened here?" He mumbled curiously.

"What you mean you didn't do it?" I hissed to him.

"Technically yes, werecat. I did. Only it seems that you have taken a more harsh reaction to it than others..." He said, then trailed off.

"Which means?" I asked, impatiently.

"It means you are stronger than most, which means it took more to neutralize your cat. It does have a nasty effect on your human body though." He said.

"No kidding." I muttered.

"No kidding indeed, werecat."

"Don't call me that." I spat at him.

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