Chapter 12: The Trusting & The Non Trusting

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Dex's POV

THE ROOM REMAINED EERILY SILENT. Nobody dared to move. I knew from the face Mae was making she didn't know this girl. When I looked at her closer I noticed she had strangely similar facial features as Red. Same, cheekbones, eyelashes, and noses. If they looked to much more similar I'd think they were sisters! Ha, but that can't be. 

The girl, who wasn't really a girl, she looked about sixteen or so, smiled. She was a decent looking girl, to say that much, but to old for me. I mean she was like what? About two or three years older? I mean in life that doesn't matter, but in high school it does.

"When exactly will you be done with us?" Mae asked, thankfully breaking the icy silence. 

"Well, I'm not sure Mae. It depends on if you will cooperate." She said. Mae looked shocked that this girl knew her name. Get used to it. I thought. A strangely large amount of people I had never spoken to before knew my name. Most had tried to kill me, I figured this one was no different. 

"Ahh, yes I know your name. I know yours too Dexter." The girl said. She looked at me awaiting a similar reaction to Mae's but I kept a straight face. First few times was shocking, after that it just got dull. 

"Okay you know our names. Big deal!" I said, rather fiercely, then more calmly I asked " So what is your name?"  

"My name? Why it's June. Thanks for asking dear Dexter. I guess your sister could learn some respect from you." She said, extending a hand. I took it and shook. "You could learn a few things from her too. Like never to trust a cat." 

With that she grabbed something from behind her and with inhumanly fast movements, cut me near the palm of my hand. I wasn't sure what it was at first but I soon did. This was not a good thing, not one bit. I felt a urge to shift, become my inner cat. She had poisoned the blade with what Charlotte had called Moon Shade. She told me never to touch it, for it would have the same effects as the full moon. 

For some reason I was focussed on the screen that showed my vital signs. My heart rate was much faster than it should have been, and the screen now glowed red. I think that meant my DNA was changing.

"What did you do to him?" I heard Mae cry. She as not making this easy was she? Now what was the cure for Moon Shade? Oh yes. Nothing. The best I could do was try to block out the call of the moon for the next hours or two.

"He'll be fine Mae." Kayla said. "Just a little cranky. Now come on." I saw her grab Mae by the wrist, and drag her out the door, June following. I tried to get myself to calm down. Not to shift, who knew when Mae would be back, or even if she would be back. 

Only it was too late. I was too worried about Mae, too angry at Kayla for possibly hurting my sister, to furious at myself for being tricked. 'Strong emotions cause change.' I remember Charlotte's words clearly. Right now I was feeling more than one strong emotion, and they were amplified by the Moon Shade. 

I felt myself become covered with fur and down on four paws. I felt the power as it flowed through my body, oh the power. I knew my eyes had become golden and I was in full cat mode. Then the strong emotions were back. I tried once more to fight them, but soon they took control. I couldn't control the cat any longer. Now I knew what Mae meant when she said all monsters were evil. 

*  *  *

Mae's POV

I had to leave Dex in a room, alone. He was still in there now, most likely dying of some poison they gave him. Why didn't Dex get what we were dealing with? Monsters. I mean they could seem friendly, with their human shells, but underneath they were vicious, blood thirsty monsters.

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