Chapter 29

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Today was the day.


I took a deep breath as I stepped off the stage. Everyone was standing and cheering loudly from the empowering speech I just gave. I had spent weeks preparing for this exact day and I can't say I was disappointed. I walked back to my seat and everyone that I passed was congratulating me and giving me high fives. I never knew that I could feel this happy and honestly I wanted to bottle up this feeling so that it stays with me forever.

As I sat down my eyes connected with Deon's and to my surprise he was looking straight at me and smiling. I returned his smile and once again my heart became filled with joy.

The day progressed and bit by bit speeches were made, students danced, sang, said poets and gave renditions of our years at school. Soon it was time to give out the trophies, awards and scholarships and before you knew it the ceremony was over. I was glad that all my friends graduated, even Deon and I smiled as Rebekah got her scholarship to attend the school she wanted to go too.


I turned to see Scott standing behind me and I smiled warmly at him. We had gotten to be friends over these last few months and he really wanted Deon and I back together.

"Hey there." I said as he pulled me into a hug.


"Thank you."

"I wish I had gotten half as many trophies as you."

I laughed as he referenced my accomplishments and followed him as we sat on the edge of the stage. People were already starting to disperse and many were already taking photos.

"Did you talk to Deon?" He asked as we sat.

"No, he kept avoiding me."

"He'll talk to you, just be patient."

"I know he will... I... I just wish it was now."

"He will."

"He smiled at me."

"Did he?"


"See, that's progress."


"So you're coming to the cocktail party right?"

"I don't know-"

"Ah ah, no, you do not get to willow in self pity while everyone else enjoys themselves. You're coming, even if I have to drag you there myself."

I laughed at his look of determination and leaned my head against his shoulders. He was a really cool guy now that I got to know him and I knew the bond between him and Deon was unbreakable. I had spent a lot of time with him learning about the guy I fell in love with and boy was some of them outrageous.

"We should really get going." Scott says to me and I stand with him.

We walk outside and I immediately get pulled by Rebekah as she leads me and David towards the cameraman. For the next hour I'm wrapped up in taking photographs and by the end my cheeks are hurting from laughing and smiling so much. I notice my parents talking to some of the other lecturers and I escape to them.

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