Chapter 24

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We both turned around stunned when my dad spoke. Deon released me but didn't move away.

"Mom, dad."

I looked from one to the other and I could see the disappointment literally dripping from them.

"Its time we left." My dad continued, harshly staring at the guy that he assumed deflowered his precious diamond.

"Dad I just need a moment to talk to him." I said softly and felt Deon slowly touch my back.

My father looked from him to me and back again before his scowl deepened.

"I don't think so."

He stood aside and pointed to the open door.

"Go wait in the car."

"Sir I-"

"Do not speak to me!" My father shouted and I could feel Deon's body as it tensed besides me.

I looked up at him and he was grinding his teeth to keep from saying something he might regret.


I looked over at my mom and she looked away, leaving me to face my wrath alone. I exhaled as fresh tears threaten to fall and slowly started to walk to the exit. Deon holds my arm to stop me, ignoring the fumes radiating from my father to pull me into a hug. I allow myself to be engulfed by him and cried loudly against his shoulders.

I didn't want to be away from him. Not now, not ever. Especially not since I knew he loved me.

I stood on tip toe and whispered I love you before running out the door. There were a few persons liming around the auditorium but I ignored them as I headed to the exit. I vaguely recognized Scott and his friends as I hurriedly ran to the car.

Today had started out great and ended tragically.


"How could you? After everything we've been through? How could you betray me like this?"

"What in the world are you talking about?"

It's two days after Nationals and the first thing I do is head straight for Rae. I found her standing with her crew and I didn't even care. All I knew was that she needed to pay for ruining my life.

"You know what I'm talking about! Geez Rae, I'm helping you with your math and you think of backstabbing me!"

"Girl chill."

"No, don't tell me to chill! I've never been mean to you or did you wrong but yet you take it upon yourself to ruin my life?! What have I done for you to be so evil?"

I stood my ground and folded my fists at my sides as she rolled her eyes and put down the file that she was using.

"Look. I wasn't the one that decided to part my legs the first chance I got."


"I wasn't the one who couldn't keep it down and therefore woke up her neighbors and then caused that neighbor to start talking and I sure as hell didn't choose to sleep with West High's biggest man-whore!"

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