Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

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Akia eyes strained at the mocha skin, curly hair, brown with specks of green eyes, fourteen year old boy play fight with his twelve and nine year old brother's while her eight year old daughter sat close to her. Nervousness; a natural motherly extinct came over her as she saw Chander being rough with Nathaniel and her youngest son being nine years old; Emmanuel by wrestling them down to the ground.

Michelle; her eight year old daughter looked up at her mother with her gray eyes in curiosity. A trait she developed on her mother's side. "Mama, why do you look pale?" The innocent little girl asked.

Akia forces herself to look away from the young boys that played roughly from the distance, to look down at her little twin. With a sigh, Akia answered her daughter's question, "Only because I'm worried about your brothers. One of them will get hurt."

"But, father said boys always get hurt. That is why I should not play with them."

Akia rolled her eyes at her husband's saying. "Your father is a sexist," she mumbled out her mouth so Michelle would not hear her.

"Ow!" Emmanuel yelled, making Akia immediately stand on her feet to see what happened to her youngest son; whom was on the ground covered in dirt. Before Akia could say anything, Emmanuel stood on his feet and pat the dirt off like nothing happened. "I'm fine mama." He stated to calm his mother's working nerves.

A sigh of relief passed Akia's lips as she sat down in the chair that wobbled in the grass from her fast movements. "I swear, does boys are going to give me gray hair before the age of thirty-five."

Michelle giggled from her mother's statement. "Oh mama, you'll have a long way to go before you hit that age."

A smile crept on Akia's face. "That's kind of you to say. But your mother only have three years before she actually hits thirty-five. Which is not that far away."

"Father is thirty-six." Michelle stated.

Akia nod her head in agreement. "Yes, and old. Shh," she put a index finger to her plump lips. "You didn't hear that from me."
Michelle giggled once more before putting a index finger to her lips in a sign of secrecy.

"Ow!" Both Nathaniel and Emmanuel screams as Chander laughed from their failed actions of trying to knock him down on his butt. Just like his father would do to others, he rubbed their failure in their faces by laughing like a hyena.

"Okay, that's enough! It's time for lunch" Akia yelled loud enough for the three young boys to hear her as she stood on her feet to walk towards the castle. With Michelle holding her hand and the three young boys behind her, they walked into the castle and towards the dining hall where the food was already set up.

All five of them sit around the special oval table that make them closer together like a true family. But unfortunately their family table is not filled. Yet again, Theo is out handling business in war and yet again Akia is left to rule the kingdom on his behalf and raising their children on her own.

"Chander, stop." Akia ordered as she watched her first son throwing pieces of chopped cherry tomatoes at Nathaniel and Emmanuel. Chander sighed and looked down at his plate full of untouched food. Of course like every mother, Akia took a notice of her children's behavior before setting her fork down. "Okay, what is wrong?" Akia asked.

"Father is not here," Nathaniel stated.

Chander rolled his eyes and kissed his teeth loudly. "Father is never here. You should be use to it by now."

"No, I should not," Nathaniel retorted.

"Listen," Akia started off to say. "I'm going to say this once again, your father is doing his kingly duties. Like all of you will do your duties in the later future."

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