Chapter Twenty-Nine: Signs...

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As the sunrise, Akia stared up at the stone ceiling while rubbing her now noticeable baby bump. Five months in counting before the baby comes and until all hope is gone. With a sigh, Akia turned on her side to look at her husband who was also ride awake.

"Any news?" Akia asked like every morning.

Theo shook his head no. "Still searching. Mostly every ship that left in and out of York was checked. The shipping ports and even where they place trades. No news and no sign of Chander. But they still going to search, don't worry."

With a sigh she sweeps a strain of Theo's long black hair. It felt rough and dry against her finger tips, Akia scrunched up her face in distaste. "When was the last time you put a brush to your hair?"

Theo raised an eyebrow in confusion, like he never heard of hair care. "Brush?"

Akia sighed then rolled her eyes as she got out of bed to retrieve her brush. "Sit on the edge please."

Theo did what his wife said by letting his feet touch the cold concrete floor. Akia sat behind him before brushing his hair. "It feels weird."

Akia sighed once more. "Because you never took care of your hair. It takes more than just washing dirt off of it."

"Trust me, once that baby comes I'm cutting it."

Akia stopped brushing and without thinking yanked his head down. "You won't cut it."

"Ow, what the hell. That hurts." Theo turned his body towards her. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I like to yank on it, now turn around."

Theo did what she said, not before eyeing his wife. "A man should not have long hair."

"Daniel has long hair, and he's a man," Akia said, knowing she hit the soft spot when another man name came out her mouth. "Besides, you look even more handsome and irresistible with long hair and a beard." She kissed his cheek.

Akia stepped out of the carriage to see the damage that was done by the riot. The temple was definitely ruined; the twelve foot door was knock off it's hinges, evidence of a fire being set was all over the roof, the windows was smashed and walls was knocked down. That was only on the outside.

"My queen, I would advice you to stay out here. It is dangerous to go inside." A noble guard said as he stood by her side protectively.

"Can you tell the high priestess I am here?" Akia asked.

The noble guard gave off a nod for one of the guards to get the high priestess out of the ruined temple. Which did not take long. The high priestess held shock and fear in his eyes as he stood in front of his queen.

"You did not take my warning," Akia stated. "And you suffered the consequences."

The high priestess grown from her words. "I have no doubt that you was probably involved in this."

Akia scoffed then shook her head in disbelief. "Have you heard? My son is missing, I obviously do not have time nor the patience to pull this off and I have to much respect for my religion to do such a thing."

The priest clenched his fist. "You wrench," he stepped forward, but was stopped halfway by the guard holding him back. "You whore, you did this."

"I did this? You are the one charging the people out of their wages, for a blessing that is false. I warned you, I gave you enough time to stop what you was doing but you choose otherwise. And from the looks of things the people gave you a warning as well, the next riot will have your head on a pike if you do not change your ways. Either you apologize for the sins you've done or run."

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