11. The Talk

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I was waiting for the door to open when I got a text from Kyle saying to bring flowers for Claire. I face palmed myself because I was already here. The door being opened snapped me from my thoughts and I looked at Mrs. Brown who had a frown on her face.

I waved my hand at her and gave a sheepish smile to which she just frowned at me.

I cleared my throat and then reached for the notebook in my back pack and a pen.

"I'm here to talk to Claire." I wrote on the notebook and showed it to her to which her frown deepened.

"I'm sorry but she's busy." She said and this time I frowned.

"But she texted Kyle that she was free." I wrote and showed it to her to which she shook her head.

"Well now she's not." She said and was about to close the door when we both heard loud giggling from inside the house and the next thing, I saw was a giggling Claire hung over someone's shoulder and the guy is laughing. Seeing her giggling with someone else caused something deep inside me and I feel the familiar stinging in my eyes.

Mrs. Brown cleared her throat loudly which brought their attention to her. When Claire saw me, she whispered something in the guy's ear and he placed her down.

They both faced me and I felt myself getting judged in the boy's gaze. Claire again whispered something in the guy's ear and he nodded before kissing Claire's cheek and leaving.

Ouch, that hurt.

"Mom, can I talk to her?" Claire asked more like stated to which Mrs. Brown looked at her with a worried look.

"It's okay, mom." She said and her mother faintly nodded before leaving Claire and I alone.

The moment she stepped inside the house and went to the living room or someplace, Claire glared at me.

"Why are you here?" She demanded and her voice was cold and hostile making me feel the hate she radiated.

"I wanted to say sorry to you." I wrote and showed her the notebook, she just bitterly laughed at me.

"Well you have a funny way of saying something. You haven't even moved your lips." She mocked me and I just felt my heart crack.

Ouch, that hurt more than her giggling with that guy.

"Please, I'm sorry. I can't stand seeing you mad at me."

"I don't care anymore, Hayden." She said with her head turned to the side.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know but please just don't be like this with me anymore." I kept feeling the stinging in my eyes and I wanted it to go away.

"It's not just about that, Hayden. I want you to talk to me and not just by your notebook or phone. I want a conversation with you like normal people!" Her voice raised at the end and I felt my heart constrict from the pain her words brought to me.

"You think that I'm not normal?"

"It's not that." She mumbled and I looked at her confused.

"Then what?"

"Nothing. Just forget it." She said frustrated and I felt more confused.

"No, tell me."

"I said just forget it!" She yelled this time and I heard laughter from behind her.

The guy who had Claire slung over his shoulder before, came over to Claire and kissed her cheek.

"It feels like you're talking to yourself, babe." He said and Claire nervously laughed.

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