2. First Day of Senior Year

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"Come on Hayden it's time for school!" Aunt Carrie yelled from the stairs to wake me up.

What she didn't know was that I was already awake, and sitting on my bed with my back against the wall.

Today was my first day of senior year and yet I felt nothing.

With a sigh, I got off my bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I took a long shower and then brushed my teeth, combed my hair and lastly got dressed.

I wore a simple white T-shirt with a pair of off-white jeans with my white supra high tops and a grey hoodie. I always wore a hoodie. It's easier to ignore people with a hood over your head.

I used to have long hair that reached my mid back but now I had a short boy cut. I never wore makeup and accessories. Things have changed. They've changed a lot.

It has been like three years since my parents died. And it still feels like it happened just yesterday.

I walked out of my room with my backpack. I headed downstairs and the smell of freshly cooked pancakes surrounded me.

I made my way to the kitchen and that's where I saw aunt Carrie cooking pancakes.

Aunt Carrie was the only one I'd got now. Since my parents passing I stopped talking and expressing. I stopped feeling all together.

She tried to make me talk, open up to her but I just couldn't.

Couldn't or wouldn't?

She tried really hard but then she just stopped. She told me that she wasn't giving up on me, but that she was giving me space and time and that I would one day talk to her on my own without her persuading me. She told me that she would always be there for me.

And I believed her, I still believe her now. And I know that I always will.

"So, new day today as a senior? How do you feel?" Aunt Carrie asked while setting a plate of pancakes on the dining table.

Like usual I stared at her and without saying a word, sat down and started eating.

She sighed and went to get coffee.

'I have to say these pancakes are wonderful'.

But I didn't.

After finishing my breakfast, I put the plate in the kitchen sink and made my way towards the door.

"Bye honey. And have fun on your first day." Was the only thing I heard before going out of the house.

Aunt Carrie was used to my silence now. And she understood my actions really well.

I put the hood over my head and started my walk to school which was only 10 minutes away from home.

A car zoomed past me and I couldn't help but to look at it.

It was my best friend's car, well actually ex best friend, Kyle.

With him in his car was the one and only, Jordan Dean.

Jordon, being a jock and all was in the popular crowd. He was well respected in school due to his father being the principal of the school.

He had girls all over him like any other jock. He was a good athlete. He had sportsman ship too, but only on the field. He was the one that started bullying me when my parents died and I was dealing with the shock.

He called me names, pushed me while walking, threw my books every chance he got, filled my locker with paint and worst, he would always find a way to hurt me during p.e.

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