Chapter 4

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Elena's POV: "Yo" Cameron says shaking me trying to waking me up. "Elena's not here leave a message after the beep" I say putting my pillow on my head. "There's donuts" he says in a motherly voice. "Huh, wha" I say springing up looking for the donuts, "Where are they" I say bringing my head towards Cameron. "The nurse is bringing it, be patient girl" he says sitting on his bed. "Aw" I say sitting up.

"A dozen donuts for my favorite patients" Angelina says walking into the room with half a dozen donuts.

"Tank you so much for your help! Also what time will we be able to leave today?" I ask slowly taking a donut.

"In a few hours, don't worry" she smiles.

"Oh and when will we get our bags with our phones back?" Cameron asks a little embarrassed.

"I think right after you guys finish up your donuts. Also the dean will see you when you arrive back to your campus"
Angelina says as she shuts the door.

I literally shove that donut down my eating hole like that!

"Woah" Cameron says as he starts grabbing a donut

"I'm hungry geez" I say continuing eating donuts.

"Uhhhhhh" I groan, "my stomach!" "That is what you get for eating 4 donuts Elena" Cameron laughs. "Well... Ugh" I say unhappily laying like a starfish.

"Here are your phones" Angelina says walking in with our phones giving them to us. "Yay" I say with no enthusiasm.

"A lot of donuts?" Angelina says looking at Cameron. "Big time" he says back to her.

I grab my phone and nothing new really. So I decide to shut the shades and take a long nap. I wake up and it was about time to go and Cameron was already ready so I gathered my things and we left the room. We were lead to a hospital van/car but not an ambulance. I was happy that they offered driving us back to campus also. Me and Cameron started walking to the dean's office to get catches up on stuff for the past few days.

"Please take a seat" the dean says. Me and Cameron were quiet because it's the dean were talking to and I'm kinda nervous at the same time.

"Elena, Cameron, I'm sorry to hear both of your trips to the hospital recently. Witnesses told me about what happened, did Vanessa Manola had physical approves with both of you? Like pushing and pouring soup on your head?" The dean says. We both just nod our heads.

"That's what a few other students said, also, there has been other complaints in her actions recently in the new year and on her records. I think that she will need to find another college for herself because I think she's just setting off negative energy in this school. Also I'm so sorry that this happened to you, it won't happen again. But thank you both for coming to my office to discuss about this and you two have a nice day" he says smiling on our way out.

"Oh my gosh" I say taking a breath.

"I still can't believe Vanessa would do such a horrible thing but that was her choice and she blew it" Cameron says a little furious.

"Well everything is not what it seems" I tell him.

"Oh don't do that Wizards of Waverley Place line on me" Cameron says laughing.

"Ah" I say. "I know what your gonna say but I need some rest because those hospital beds aren't comfortable at all and it's a Friday and I need to reunite with my bed" I say letting out a laugh.

"You know what, I agree" Cameron says.

"I'm shocked!" I say.

"Blah blah blah, now go to your dorm" he laughs.

"I will do so, bye bye" I say

"See ya" Cameron replies. We both go into our rooms and sleep, oh I love that word, sleep.

Cameron's POV: I'm literally really tired even though I was resting for the past few days. I jump into my bed and I gotta say, it is a good feeling being in my bed again. Let's hope that Saturday is a good day for me.

I wake up pretty peacefully and that's very surprising for me and decide to take a shower. Before I got into my bathroom I notice a note that had been slipped under my door.

"Students, due to budget cuts we will need to cut your personal showers, toilets and sinks. We're sorry but you'll have to use the co-Ed bathrooms for now one. Have a super duper day!"

"Are you serious" I say to myself frustrated, "Ugh". I go the the bathrooms and do my stuff but I didn't drop the soap. The hot water goes by fast like a few minutes than bam ice cold. I wrap my towel around my waist and then go to brush my teeth. I've got to say, that bathroom isn't awful, it's clean good quality so it's theta as bad as I thought. "Oh hey" Elena says with no enthusiasm walking in with her towel and her bag with personal hygiene stuff like that. "You got the note too" I said looking her.

Elena's POV: This boy as abs, I got to workout.

Cameron's POV: "Yeah, sadly" Elena replies.

"At 5 do you want to go out for some dinner and then go bowling?" I ask her.

"Yeah! See you at 5. Wait, I think heifer I take a shower I will go to the gym becwusr why not it's around 12" Elena says.

"Have fun" I say as she open as she goes back to her room to change into work out cloths.

I go back into my room and but boxers on and go on my laptop and phone and watch some YouTube and Netflix because I really got to get caught up in some shows.

Elena's POV: Now I have to workout! I walk down to the gym and look at myself in the mirror. "I've got some work to do". A couple hours later (I know I know! I worked out off 2 hours! I should get a medal and it wasn't that bad so I do it again but maybe a little earlier than 12), I go back to my floor and decide to take a shower and then start getting ready even tho it's not for a while but who cares.

Cameron's POV: *ding* "huh wha" I jump up, I must of fallen asleep. I look at the time and it's already 4:30, that was a long nap I took. So I put on some clothes and I'm about ready for dinner and bowling with Elena and that only took 5 minutes, bam.

Next to me {c.d}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara