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Next Chapter Is Niall.

Nani P.O.V.

I couldn't shake the conversation I had with Caileen. What did she mean? I have a list of unanswered questions. I have to find her.... and soon.

"So maybe we go shopping, or the movies, how about we get Chinese food? I love Chinese food." If you paid me I wouldn't be able to tell you what this broad was talking about. She was such a character, always rambling.


"What do you wanna do after school?" That was probably the smallest sentence she has ever said in her entire life. " We could go shopping, out to eat, the movies, WE COULD GO LOOK AT BOYS! OMG I LOVE-"

spoke. too. soon.

"I get it FiFi and as much as I love, "talking to you." I kinda just wanna chill at the house for awhile by myself if you don"t mind.

"Boo, you whore!" Fionna walked away. Jesus Christ couldn't have answered my prayers of her to vanish any faster. She was a chill girl but she just, never shuts up and the sad part is, I think she is rubbing off on me.

I kinda miss my old friends, I loved Fionna I did but Alanna and Michael where my friends too at least I thought they were and I just walked out on them like my dad walked out on me. I wanna call them so bad but my moms birthday is coming up soon and she wants me to drive down there, hopefully I can speak to them then. They probably all forgot or hate me but at least I am expecting the worst right?

Maybe not, maybe they can understand. Tara betrayed me, her an my own fucking brother that I had not seen in a really long time showed out the blue just to fuck me over? Maybe I should rethink going to see my mom. Do I really need to face them or to face.... him?

I had avoided thinking about him so long that I forgot why I was even mad? Oh yeah, cause out of all the people who fucked me over, he did it the hardest. I think I am gonna just call my mom and cancel, maybe I will lie and say I have early exams or something. I have three weeks to either come up with a good lie to my mom or just face my fears and avoid the inevitable.

I was letting my thoughts distract me while on my way from class and of course clumsy me, I bumped into a hard chest that caused me to land on my butt.

"I'm so sorry, here let me help you up." I looked up to be met with the most marvelous set of eyes.

This must be Caileen's brother they had a familiar face form and that same nose. Except he didn't appear to be"bitchy" or "snobby." He had glasses on and a perfect little polo shirt and khaki pants. He was an adorable buff, cute, nerdy looking boy.

"You know my hand won't be able to hold out much longer." His voice was so deep and so smooth. He wiggled his eyebrows to make a note that he was still waiting on me to take his hand.

Let me get up before he thinks I'm some sort of creep or something.

"You're cute when you blush." I was blushing? I cleared my throat and took his hand and he pulled me up in one swift nonchalant tug.

"T-Thanks?...." I gestured for his name.

"Christopher, And who might you be?"

"Natasha, but you can call me Tasha or Nani or you know, whatever. Well not whatever cause that would be kinda rude. You know what just call me Nani."

Jesus F-ing Christ the more I speak the more I realize I was morphing into Fionna, I could not stop rambling. But I knew it was too soon to deal with another guy again.

I inhaled pretty loudly and cleared my throat, ¨Sorry, I am not trying to be weird or anything, but you look exactly like your sister.¨ not that, that was a good thing nor the reason behind my peculiar behavior but at least it changed the subject.

¨My sister?¨ Christopher raised his eyebrow and had a look of confusion upon his face. Was my sleep deprivation really getting this bad?

¨Oh, I am so sorry, you just kinda look like this girl I know which is a good thing and a bad thing. Bad because she is a evil bitch but Good cause you are really hot, not that I am saying that she's hot, that would be weird because I am only interested in guys. NOT that I think its something wrong with girls who are into girls you know? Or guys who like guys or even people who wanna date plants, whatever makes you happy. Not that I am saying you wanna date plants-¨

I was cut off by his deep, yet sexy laughter.

¨You are so cute you know that?¨ I decided not to respond but to just allow myself to get lost in his eyes.

¨But sadly, Caileen in deed is my sister and sure she has her evil ways but my baby sister is all the ¨real¨ family I have left and even though you are exceedingly cute I am not gonna let you talk down on her.

Christopher reached down and let his big hands cuff my chin and his thumb ran over my lips and then he whispered, ¨ will just call this a warning babe.¨ He winked and walked away and I must say, this is the horniest I have ever been scared.

Late Update I Know and I am so sorry, I kinda felt like you guys were not all that intrigued with this story anymore...Regardless, I am back and I am gonna be updating and editing and releasing new stories sooooo keep a look out! And if you guys wanna get personal with me, I am gonna have a YouTube Channel out in July if you guys wanna check it out! More details will be released on July 9th!

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