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Photo Above Is Tara !


"Gone? What the hell do you mean gone?" I asked aloud.

"Selfish. She's being so selfish." Luke was pacing the room going back and fourth. For the past fifteen minutes people have been panicking.

It was Niall, Luke, Ashton, Michael, Tara and I who were clueless of where Nani had gone. So we all decided to gather and find her. Sure, we were totally lost and couldnt quite figure where to look but we knew she wasnt here. And that was enought to make us take an initive.

"Baby, maybe she went to the grocery store or something." I stared at Michael. He was such a clueless ditz sometimes.

"For six hours. Because that happens. Dumbass." Ashton yelled.

"Could've been a long line." Michael said back nonchalantly.

"Hey, control your boyfriend Luke." I yelled. Sure Michael was stupid but that was only to come out of my mouth. Not some random fucking stranger who never even had a conversation with my boyfriend.

"My boyfriend is only trying to help its your stupid boyfriend who needs controlling."

Excuse me?

"You know what Luke you can suck a dick. Oh wait, you already do that." I yelled.

"Burn babe, burn." Michael whispered into my ear.

"Can you all just shut the fuck up. Nani is gone and all you guys are doing is creating an unnecessary ruckus and for what? Because you guys's boyfriend who haven't even met her are putting out irrelevant statements? All of you are being selfish."

Who was Tara to even talk right now? She was the biggest fuck girl ever. Period. Plus, She's why Nani is missing. And did she just mention being selfish? She made Nani live through hell because of a mistake she decided to make.

She's a hypocrite.

"Tara why are you even here? Your selfishness and horrible judge in character is why she's gone." I exclaimed fully standing on my feet and in her face.

"Shut up, everyone please just shut up." The room fell silent as soon as Niall yelled. Thats the only thing he has said since he's been here.

"We're all why she's missing. Nani wouldn't just leave without a trace or anote that isn't like her at all. So lets just calm down and check to see if she's called or texted either of us."

"Alright." We were all in agreement there. Nani wasn't Houdini she would never just up and disappear she was better than that. Reaching into my pocket I took out my phone in an attempt to call her again but of course I got nothing. And just when I was about to give up I had a notification.

New Voicemail.

I pressed the notification and I swear when I heard Nani's voice relief was all I could feel.

"Hey, she left me a voicemail!" I called out to everybody. As soon as I said it they all began to circle around me as we leaned in to listen. Especially Niall he was looking sad as if this were his last hope.

I pressed play again and listned.

Hey, Alanna, I have to tell you something. Here it goes, I-I-I've decided to go to UCLA and I know its sudden an unexpected but I'm leaving in two days and I really wanted to tell you in person but sense you're so busy with Michael lately. I didn't want to ruin it. And please don't tell anyone you're one of the few I feel I can trust. Seems that list gets smaller by the minute. Ha. Anyways, I love you, bye.

Sorry for not keeping that secret Nani.

"Well what the fuck are we waiting for lets go bring her back!" Luke yelled at everyone as he put his jacket on.

"Yeah, count me in on bringing her ass back." I got my car keys and stood by Luke. Michael looked at us and then stood up followed by Ashton. Now Tara and Niall stood in the room opposite sides of us.

"Alright, lets go." Tara tried to walk over to us but I wasn't having it. Fuck that and fuck her. Tara was never gonna see Nani again as long as I was alive. Tara was fake and as far as I'm concerned needed to be where Barbra and Zayn where.

"You aren't going with us." I got in her face. I dare her to even attempt to walk out of the door with us.

"I've apologized to all of you countless of times. I've cried thinking about what I done. I feel like shit I really do. I even turned Zayn and Barbra in to the cops. As far as I'm concerned I need to speak with Nani to apologize to her face. So I'm gonna ask you who the hell is gonna stop me?"

Tara stepped up to me and I could feel her breathe on me. Talk about battle of the besties right? Either way I'd be damn if I let her try to play super friend now.

"She's right Tara you're not going." Luke stepped behind me backing me up. To think I didn't like him for a minute there but he's actually alright.

"Nobody is going." Niall said camly looking out the window in the room. When he turned around tears sat in his eye's. He was sniffing and looked defeated.

"She obviously doesn't want us around. She wants to be alone and to have time to herself. We owe her that."

Niall was absolutely right we owed Nani that. She was hurting and we were all to damn selfish to see. I get that she needs to think, to free herself, and to focous on other things. We all do.

"He's right." Tara said under her breath as she walked out the room.

"Yeah he is." Luke looked around at us and smiled, "If any of you ever need anything. I'm here for you okay?"

I shook my head and when Luke and Ashton walked out I walked over to Niall and hugged him. We stood there for a moment in the awkward hug.

"Will get through this I promise."


Q: What are you doing for fall break?

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