Solomon's Child Part 1

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Lucy moved through the streets of Hargeon with a pensive look on her face. Despite the fact that she always enjoyed going to coastal cities, as she almost never got a chance to see the ocean in her early life, she couldn't help but be frustrated at the lack of information regarding the "Salamander" that was supposed to be in this town.

Lucy continued to walk along the seafront, her white sundress billowing in the ocean breeze. While the person herself wasn't aware of it, she was drawing quite a large amount of attention. With her waist length golden blonde hair, her slightly pale unblemished skin, and above average bust size drew more than her fair share of leers. However not a single man dared to approach her due to two items on her person that would make anyone wary.

Upon Lucy's back was a massive bow, intricate details carved along its surface, making it appear more like a work of art rather than a weapon of war. There was no quiver upon the girls back, likely making it a magical item marking the girl as a mage, a theory that was supported by the other strange item on the girl's body.

Upon her right arm was a silver bracer that was even more impressive piece of magical equipment than the one that was strapped to her back. The silver gleamed in the mid day sunlight, speaking volumes of how well cared for the piece of armor was. Carved upon its surface were various depictions of nature's elements. A flame, a bolt of thunder, a tornado, a wave, a beam, a dark orb, and a globe respectfully. Next to each carving was a circular indent but only four held orbs within. A red orb next to the flame, a blue orb alongside the wave, a brown orb close to the orb, and finally a green orb next to the tornado. Each orb glowed faintly from within, making a casual onlooker think they were simple lacrima when they were so much more.

Lucy stared down at the wind orb as she thought back to earlier that week when she had obtained it. The elderly woman who had proclaimed that she was its guardian had broken out into sobs when Lucy presented her with the Bracer, marking her as a worthy summoner. And after paying a hefty but ultimately inconsequential sum of Jewels the elder handed the stone over and waved as Lucy left.

"It's a shame though that no spirit has made itself known to me yet. Water and earth had already sent lesser spirits to my side after this long when I got them." Lucy mused out loud, the blue and brown orbs glowing brighter as she mentioned them. "But it's a shame about those Salamander rumors...I haven't seen hide nor hair of anything that would lend credence to those rumors." She complained out loud as she stared up into the sky, seeing nothing but a few seagulls lazily flying through the sky.

For the past two years of Lucy's life she had been searching for any mention of strange creatures or similar rumors. Most of the time the rumors lead nowhere but as it was her mothers last request she couldn't exactly ignore any leads she got, hence her presence in Hargion.

"Perhaps I should simply move on..." Lucy murmured sadly as she stared out at the sea. But before she could come to a conclusion two woman screaming caught her attention.

"Did you hear? The Salamander is in town!" one of the girls squealed.

"I did! They say he's a very famous wizard!" the other shouted as the two ran towards the center of town.

The Salamanders just out in the open and pretending to be a famous mage? What would they gain from that? Lucy questioned as she followed after the two girls, curious if this Salamander was the one she was looking for.

After following the two girls and the sounds of screams, Lucy finally happened upon what appeared to be every young girl in the town along with a very unimpressive looking man. The man wore a cape that he swirled continuously around himself as he struck poses, causing the surrounding woman to squeal in delight. Lucy however couldn't see anything even remotely impressive about the man, not his looks nor his magic.

Solomon's Child (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora