Solomon's Child Part 37

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Staring out at all the sights of Crocus in an attempt to keep her mind off of her rolling stomach, Lucy couldn't help but frown as a few unpleasant memories came to the forefront of her mind. This was hardly her first time traveling through the capitol of Fiore, as she had been through the city of flowers quite a few times when she had been working under the Heartfilia institute, but this was the first time she had ever had a chance to just enjoy the sights of the city without worrying about who her target was. Not that she had much time to enjoy them in the end, her stomach and her worries of the upcoming tournament saw to that after all.

Lucy hadn't been all that surprised when the Master chose her and the rest of her teammates as representatives of Fairy Tail for the Grand magic Games, as they were one of the more destructive groups Fairy Tail had to offer, but she had been curious as to why some of the stronger members hadn't been considered. But in the end, it really didn't matter why their Master had made his decision, they were the team that was representing Fairy Tail, and they wouldn't fail to give their all in the coming fights, no matter what was expected of them.

Lucy was drawn out of her thoughts then when Gray and Wendy both groaned almost in sync, almost as if they had pre-planed for it. "Gah, even after all this time, I'm still feelin' it from that whole "Second Origin" thing." Gray complained as he massaged the back of his head, Wendy sighing as she placed her hands on her knees.

"Y-you don't think that Jellal and everyone lied to us, do you?" The young dragon slayer questioned, both Lucy and Tiria shaking their heads in denial.

"Nope! Big sis Lucy and I went through the exact same thing back at the...that place. So we know exactly what it looks like to have your Second Origin unlocked. Right sis?" Tiria answered as she turned to Lucy. Even though the water dragon slayer hadn't been chosen as a member of the team, Tiria had still chosen to accompany Lucy and the others in seeing the city.

Lucy nodded in agreement to Tiria's words. "She's correct, the unsealing of a Second Origin is always accompanied by pain...although I can't explain why Erza was so unaffected." Lucy admitted before she and the rest of the group turned their gazes upon said crimson haired mage, Erza simply crossing her arms with a huff.

"Honesty, its pathetic that you all have been so beaten by a little soreness. To be a true mage one must be able to deal with any annoyances!" Erza declared as from where she was checking over her cart of luggage, Gray and the others sighing at the ease of which she was moving.

"You know, I bet that she's had her Second Origin from the very beginning." Gray mumbled.

"Statement of agreement; based off of all known records, this unit would concur with the previous statement." Artemis agreed, the Machias remaining in her Exceed form so that Lucy could conserve her magic for the coming tournament.

"Eh, who cares about Erza being Erza, I'm more interested in this huge city!" Natsu shouted as he grabbed Lucy's hand. "We should go exploring! Come on Luce!" he continued, but before he could take off the voice of Makarov interrupted.

"Hmph, so you all finally made it. Took you long enough." The guild master complained as he and some of the other members who were not taking part approached. "I took care of all the entry paperwork for Fairy Tail already, so I expect all you youngsters to show me and the rest of Fiore the power of Fairy Tail!" He finished with a laugh.

Unfortunately, the Masters speech had drawn the attention of the people around them, the civilians present laughing for an entirely different reason. "The power of the always last place guild? Why would anyone want to see that? The best guilds like yours can do is just make Sabretooth look better!" One person from the crowed mocked, a not too insignificant portion of the group laughing at their words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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