Chapter 6 - The Escape

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“Hey! Come on! Wake up, it's time to go!” I whispered into her ear, watching as her eyes gently fluttered open revealing her deep purple eyes only for a second before she shut them tightly and buried her head deeper into my chest while grumbling something unintelligible under her breath. After a few minutes of her hiding her face in my chest she finally lifted herself up and off of my chest so only out legs were tangled together.

“Fine! I’m up” She grumbled glaring at me.

“Okay, do you remember the plan?” I enquired.

“Yes, I do we went over the plan at least a thousand times already.”

“Okay... When I got here earlier on today I was shown around so I know the easiest way for us to use as an escape route.” I informed her.

“Is there anything that I should know about this route before we get going?” She asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“I mean like are there going to be any guards patrolling in a certain area where we would have to be extra quiet.” Raven replied to my question.

 “There are some guards but not that many and I know some shortcuts around them.” I responded to her question.

“How do you know where any shortcuts are if today was the first time that you came here?” I was hoping that she wouldn't ask me that.

“I just do” she raised her eyebrow but thankfully didn't question me.

“Ummm...okay, are we going to go now or stay here all night?” she teased, changing the subject.

“Now” I grumbled getting up off of the bed before sticking me hand out to help her up. When she gently placed her hand in mine sparks shot up my arm causing my eyes to widen.

 “Come on this way” informed her whilst leading her out of the room and into the dark and gloomy passageway. At the end of the passageway was an old, mouldy spiral staircase leading up to their torture chambers because everyone knows that one set of rooms used to torture people isn’t enough.

“From here on be careful where you stand there are loose floorboards that my creak when we step onto it.” I informed Raven in a whisper.

We slowly made our way through the torture chambers freezing every time one of the floorboards slightly creaked. The smell of blood and death was surrounding us to the point where we were on the verge of gagging. There were dark red blood stains splashed up the white walls permanently marking it with the horrors that have happened in these cages. The only thing that is separating the different rooms is the bars of the cage so everyone that was here at the time could watch what was happening to the unfortunate prisoner. The only light source in the room was a flickering light placed in the middle of the ceiling other then that the room was pitch black. The room that Raven was kept looked like Heaven compared to this.

It seemed as if the only prisoner in this place was Raven which meant that they would have disposed of the ones that they had before they kidnapped her since it was really obvious that she wasn’t the first one to have been kidnapped.

I may be Fate but that didn't mean that I knew everything that was going on. The truth is that us Gods only come down and help out when something terrible is about to happen other times we just play smaller roles and let humans and the supernatural’s on earth live their lives. If we were to play a huge part in everybody’s life then they wouldn't have their own free will.

I was just about to walk out and into the next passageway when I heard footsteps making their way to where we were standing. Before we even had time to think about moving the heavy metal door in front of us swung open revealing one of the patrolling guards. He looked like he lived at a gym, his body barely fit through the doorway. His hair was short and pointy reminding me of a porcupine. The tattoos he wore on his arms left spaces of bare skin showing.

“What is she doing out of her cage?” He said glaring at me. His eyes flickered between us for a few seconds before he slowly reached out and pulled his gun out of his belt.

“Look we don’t have to do this!” I said trying to reason with him before he did something that Raven and I might regret at a later stage.

“Who are you? You are defiantly not one of The Masters men.” He pointed the gun and Raven but aimed the question at me.

“I am one-”

I was cut off by another one of the guards sneaking up behind me and pulling my arms behind my back, cuffing them together. From where he was standing I couldn't see who he was but I could tell that he was strong by the amount of force that he used to pull my arms behind me.

“I think he might be the new guy that The Master was telling us about earlier today.” The guy behind me said in a deep voice.

“Do you think that we should tell The Master about this escape plan of theirs or should we take care of them ourselves?” The guy holding the guy asked evilly.

“Let’s do The Master proud and handle this situation ourselves.” The man behind me informed him, cracking his knuckles.

“I will take care of this one while you do this failure of a guard.” He said pointing the gun at Raven again.

The guy behind me spun me around to face him where I saw that he was one of the guards that I met earlier, I think his name was either Mark or Marcus, I don’t remember which one exactly. His hair was in a similar style to the guard that is holding the gun. He had the exact same amount of muscle as the other guy making me wonder if any of the guards didn't work out.

Behind me I heard a few clicks and then I heard Raven scream out in pain a few seconds after the gun went off. At that exact moment Mark/Marcus punched me in the face with enough force to spin me around so that I was facing Raven.

“AIDEN! HELP ME!” she screamed through the mind-link to me that I gave her the first time we met, it was a special perk that all the Gods had, we could give anyone that we had met face to face a mind-link with ourselves.

I looked at her just in time to see her put her hands down onto her lower stomach as a red patch quickly began to spread, she looked up at me with pain filled eyes.

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