Chapter 4 (Dream Realm)

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I opened my eyes to see a dark and damp forest around me. There is nothing but silence surrounding me making me fell truly alone. I started walking, weaving in and out between the trees. I knew that there were animals around me, I could sense them but I couldn’t see them. When all of a sudden the images changed and I was now hanging upside-down. There was a rope tied around my feet keeping me in the air. There was a small light coming from the edge of the room, it barely lit the room, allowing me to only see the thousands of tiny eyes that were glowing red around the room. I could feel my heart speed up when I realized the eyes belonged to thousands of snakes. They started slithering farther away from me as the images changed again. This time I was chained to a chair in the middle of a room with a man standing in the far corner. He walked up to me and removed the chains before he sat down by the fireplace that was in one of the corners of the room, to the left of me. He motioned me to come and sit in the chair on the other side of the coffee table. I got up cautiously and moved towards the chair waiting for the trap, for a snake to come out and attack me but nothing happened even as I sat down in the chair that was surprising soft. He looked at me for awhile before he opened his mouth and started to speak.

“So you’re finally awake, took you long enough. Anyway I'm sorry for the whole snakes and chains thing but I had to see whether they would have accepted you are not. If they didn’t and they killed you then well you would’ve have woken up alive and your kidnappers tests would have probably kill you. But since you have obviously survived then I have an important message to tell you. There is a way for you to give them your powers and they know that! DO NOT do that! No matter what! You have a long road ahead of you and this won’t be the last time that we meet but I promise you that next time will be more pleasant and danger free. You are a lot stronger than everyone thinks that you are, wait for the right time to escape and even then only use as much of you powers that you need to. Over time you will get stronger and you’ll discover more powers.” He said in a deep husky voice.

“How will I know when the right time to escape is?” I asked.

“I will visit you in your dreams the night before.”

“Can you only visit me at night or whenever I sleep?”

“No, I can visit you whenever one of us wants. It's one of your many gifts, this particular gift should have only come to you a lot later but considering the situation that you are in I decided to give you this power earlier than originally planned.”

“What are you talking about?” I was really confused now.

“You are special, one of a kind!” he told me with excitement in his voice before looking out of the window “You have to go now.”

“Wait! Who are you?”

“I'm Fate”

“Is your name Fate or something else?” I asked causing him to chuckle.

“No, my names not Fate it is Aiden.”

*End of Dream*

Unlike last time I cautiously opened my eyes trying not to alert anyone that I'm awake but I failed when there was a face hovering just above mine. But before I could do anything he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me out of the room, I tried struggling but my arms and legs were still extremely weak from whatever drugs that they gave me to knock me out.

“Stop struggling the Master doesn’t like it!” he commanded in a deep voice that didn’t sound like it belonged to his body. He had dirty blond hair that went down to his shoulders, he was overly muscular to my dismay since he would make it a lot harder for me to escape “and no talking back unless you want to get even more hurt then you have to be!”

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