Chapter Nine: Death? Or Someone Else?

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Alexa's P.O.V.

I was certain this time I was dead. All around me was just white. Besides me in my PJ's still. I ran everywhere trying to find an exit. But I had no luck, I fell to the ground and buried my face into my legs. I want to go home, I miss my old life. I miss being human or thinking I was human. I miss Dan, I miss Carol. I miss Kyle, my other friend. I even miss my stupid swing set. I miss everything. I wish I stayed dead completely! I don't want to come back alive in another form while my old real one reforms itself. I looked up and saw a hand. I took it and a women helped me up.

"Who are you?" I asked she was dressed in a long flowy white gown that had florals on it. She turned to face me and smiled. She had brown eyes and red hair which was curled. As usual, like most women who were Supernatural, she was beautiful.

"Welcome, Alexandria Morlay." She smiled. "My name is, Flora. I am the mother of Rosaline, or as we all call her, Rosie. I am also your guardian beside your uncle Laylen. Your mother Hannah trusted me to take care of you for a while. When you were born the second time, I raised you. I teach you all the beauty of the Earth. The more you learned about the Earth the more you could control the power of the Earth. Witches are very good friends with Faeries. And yes, I am a Faerie. So is Rosie, well she is part Faerie." She smiled a friendly smile.

"Am I dead?" I asked. She burst out laughing at my one statement out of all of that information.

"Oh heavens no, your friend Gabriel brought you to the Council. Everyone is here. We haven't been all formed together until we heard the last two Sirina's have returned. You brought the Council of Light back together. It's been 200 years since we last had a Council of Light meeting." She smiled.

"How are you in my head?" I asked.

"Faeries have the power to do that, dearest." She laughed a friendly laugh.

"Are there such thing as bad Faeries?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes indeed. They are called The Dark Faeries. If you get too close to one, they have the power to control your mind. But we Faeries of the Light can remove the Darkness inside of you. If you give the Earth respect, they grant you the power to control the Earth. Beatrice use to be a good witch. She use to be a student of the art of Earth. Until one of the Dark Faeries got a hold of her. We can remove the Darkness, but we need someone to bring her back for us." She told me.
"Don't worry, dear. Everything will be fine. Now that you've brought us back together.. We must prepare and get allies for the war." She told me.

"A war?!" I asked.

"Yes, High Faeries of the Light like myself, can have the power of vision just like you Sirina's." She took my hand and everything she was seeing I was seeing. "We can share thoughts and visions by physical contact, and this Alexandria Morlay. This is what the Earth shall look like if we lose the war. The Dark Council will change or kill every human on the planet. We must keep the balance to all mankind's sake." She said. I saw the sky was black, covered with smoke. The ground stained in blood, houses on fire and humans turning on humans instead of helping each other. Mankind had forgotten what humans do best. Help each other.. I looked over to the other hill of bodies and saw a man with shoulder length hair that was black, he had one eye that was red and another blue.

"Rido Lee, used to be a good man. Until he met a Demon spirit, named Lilith. She forced this Darkness onto Rido. Alexandria. Do you know who Rido Lee really is?" She asked me.

"No, only that he use to be a good man until Lilith the Demon spirit showed up," I told her. She laughed as I repeated the same words before going back to being serious.

"No.. Rido Lee... Is your birth father. Greg thought he was the father of you. But you're not Greg's daughter. Your Rido's." She told me. "You also have a brother. His name is Johnathon." She said.

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