The Sound of Silence

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Josie's P.O.V

"Hurry up Francine! Bobby is going to be here soon and I don't want him to have to wait." The spirited African American teenager said excitedly. A few days ago Bobby had asked Josie out on a date. Josie was so excited until she found that Francine had to go with her. Her parents were going to a NAACP meeting and weren't going to be back until later. Charlotte was on a date with James. Josie ran to go get dressed for her date. She decided to one of her favorite dresses. It was a blue ankle length dress with white polka dots. When Josie came out of her bedroom she was shocked to see Francine wearing a dress. My sister was wearing a red and cream colored dress. The dress looked very nice on her. "What are you staring at Josie. Is there something wrong with my dress?" asked Francine. The teenager looked at her sister and laughed. "Nothing is wrong with your dress Francine. In fact, you look very nice and I am just surprised that you are wearing a dress." About twenty minutes later Bobby knocked on our front door. Francine was already waiting for me. She opened the door and let Bobby come in. "Josie should be out in a few minutes.When Josie came out of her bedroom she saw that Bobby had a bouquet of yellow roses in his hands. "These are for you. I had read a book that yellow roses symbolized friendship and it made me think of you." Josie was blown away that he had some thought into it. As we walked outside Francine noticed that he had a red 1963 Ford Galaxie convertible. Francine loved cars and she started to talk to Bobby as we got into the car. "So how long have you had this car?" She inquired. Bobby looked at my sister but did not say anything for a few minutes. He had a faraway look in his eyes. After a few minutes, he looked at the caramel colored teenager and answered her question. "I have had this car for five months. It previously belonged to my grandfather. My grandfather had only had it for a few months when he died of a heart attack. I found out after he died that he had made a will and he put in his will that I was to inherit his car." Josie noticed that Bobby looked sad while he was talking to Francine so she decided to change the subject. "So which theater are we going to and what movie are going to see?" Bobby looked up at Josie and grinned. "We are going to Sky-Vue Drive-In in Winchester and we are going to go see Mary Poppins." Winchester was a smaller town about twenty miles from Lexington. When we got to the drive in Francine started begging for a Hershey bar and a Coca-Cola. I hadn't brought enough money to get her anything. "Don't worry about it Josie. I will get it for her. I have enough money with me to get her want she wants and to buy the tickets as well." I was taken aback by his kindness and his generosity. When he had bought the tickets we headed back to his car. While Bobby and Francine were waiting in line a group of rowdy young men had surrounded Bobby's car. Josie had decided to stay in the car while they bought the tickets because Francine to ask Bobby some questions about his car.The group of boisterous young men was not the kind of people that Josie would want her sister to be around. Several of them were drunk and they were slurring their speech. One of the men tried to talk to Josie. "What's your name, pretty girl?" Josie looked at them with big eyes but did not say anything. She was terrified and did know what to do. She thought about screaming but before she could do anything one of the men in the group opened the car door and dragged her out of the car by her hair. Josie started screaming but no one really noticed what was going on because the movie had started.  They picked up her and put her in of their Ford pickup trucks. Josie continued to scream.  When they finally stopped the car one of men whose name was Anthony Sterling. Anthony Sterling went to Lafayette and he was a football player. He pulled Josie out of the truck and set her on the ground.  They decided to take her to a cornfield. When the got to the cornfield Anthony's brother Theodore got on top of Josie and what happened next would stay etched in Josie's mind for years to come. After they were finished the group took Josie back to the drive in and left. Josie started walking around in a daze. She eventually found Bobby's car. Bobby was sitting the front seat and Francine was sitting in the backseat.  Josie sat down beside Bobby in the passenger seat but she did not say anything. He noticed that she was not talking. 

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