Chapter Three

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Willa's P.o.v.

"Alice." I said and stared at her. So she is here. And she's Madison's dorm mate.

"So it is the Alice I heard about." Madison said.

"Alice!" Grace said and jumped up to hug her. She hugged back cautiously and awkwardly. "Haven't heard from you in a while."

"Three months." Alice said emotionlessly. Her eyes were so cold and blank. What happened to her?

"It's nice to see you." Misty said. Alice stayed silent and continued to stare at me and I stared back. Madison was the one to break the staring.

"Well I guess it must be great for you to see your old friends again." She said. Alice looked around at everyone and stopped on Madison before looking back at me

"New girlfriend?" Alice asked just as emotionless as she was before.

"Yeah. You and Madison met last night I heard." I said. Alice nodded.

"Wait what about the antidepressants?" I heard Kingston quietly ask Grace. Apparently Alice also heard because she winced at the mention of them.

"You okay Alice?" Misty asked her.

"Fine." I could tell she was lying. Even though she was being cold as a stone I know that if she was really fine then she'd be like she was. Normally she'd be smiling and jumping around. Now she was quiet and didn't show any emotion.

Some girl with blue hair ran up to her and tugged on her arm. "Come on Ali are we going to go get some food or what?" Ali? What the hell? She never liked nicknames when we were together. Whoa it almost seemed like I was jealous there for a moment.

Alice turned her head to look at the girl and she finally smiled. "Yeah lets go Jamie."

"Jamie?" Grace asked.

The girl looked over at Grace, scrunched her eyebrows together, and tilted her head. "Grace?" She grinned. "It is you! Wow haven't seen you since we were 14."

"Uh babe?" Kingston gave a questioning look over at Grace. She coughed nervously and brushed a hair out of her face.

"Um I told you guys about me being bisexual and um yeah. That's Jamie. My ex." Grace said awkwardly.

"Wait you mean the J girl who was your first love?" I asked.

"Aw first love. You never told me I was your first love." Jamie said with a grin. Grace just nodded and looked at the table. "Well hi all of Grace's other friends and hey again Madison."

"Hey Jamie." Madison said. So that's the friend that helped Alice out when she moved in yesterday. Must be the girl I heard call her name when I was out by the fountain.

"It's nice to see your dating someone again." I said and smiled although I felt like gritting my teeth together for some reason.

"You didn't tell me you had a girl." Madison said.

Jamie was going to say something but Alice cut her off. "Yes I do. And we should be going now. Come on J."

~Switching to Alice's P.o.v.~

"I'm your girl now?" Jamie asked when we were away from them.

"Sorry about that I just... I don't know I felt like I needed to say you were. Not make it look like I was still hung up on Willa."

"Wait so that girl with the black hair was Willa?" Jamie asked. I nodded. "Whoa. You alright?" I nodded but I felt like my chest was going to explode and my throat was tightening. I guess Jamie could tell because she pulled me in for a hug. I held onto her tightly and let a few tears spill.

"I'm sorry honey. This must be hard for you. To see your ex and I'm guessing those were the friends that left you when she did." I sniffled and pulled away from her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm not going to let this get to me. I won't go back to that therapist."

"Alright Ali. Why don't we go get coffee's and sit around the fountain?" Jamie asked.

"Sounds great." I said. She grinned which caused me to smile. Nowadays she's what makes me smile.

I know that J likes me. I just can't get into a relationship with her like that. I really do love her but I don't think I could handle that. I don't think I could handle any relationship right now. Maybe if someone showed some real interest in me and tried I could try to but I don't think that's going to happen. I know Jamie likes me but I don't think she would actually make a move. If she did would I date her? I don't know.

We got some coffee from a little cart on campus and made our way to the fountain. There wasn't anyone there. I guess they were all by the tables or gone out for food. We sat down and I moved my finger around in the water while I sipped on my coffee. I used to really hate the stuff but when Willa and I broke up Lizzy kept making me coffee to try to pep me up. I don't see how that was supposed to work but I got kind of addicted to the stuff.

Jamie started chatting on about random things and I nodded, not really paying much attention to what she was saying. I looked up after a while and noticed how close we had gotten. She glanced down at my lips and back up to meet my eyes. I'm not really sure how it happened but soon we were kissing and I wasn't going to pull away. Still all I thought about then was Willa.

Do I Still Love Her? (Lesbian Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon