IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 27 -Part 1-

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TaylorWolfOldford is an angel, let us all worship her: She’s making a cover for me! Worship that chick! No one else wanted to. I’m relying on her to make a spectacular cover that will interest and blow people’s minds!

Don’t screw this up Draco! I have big plans for you mister!!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 27: Those Damn Thin Walls

-Part 1-: “Is He … Ya Know … Like Me?”

---------| Violet’s POV |----------

            He ate it. I can’t believe he frickin’ ate Soup Chowder Surprise. And so much of it! Two bowls, two entire bowls of eye balls and tofu. After dinner, though, I wasn’t able to congratulate him. No, instead Draco was sent off to find those boxers to put back on his head, and then we were to play a few rousing board games. If you know my mother like I do, which is too well for my own good, you’d know that a ‘few’ is around three rounds of Monopoly ending with an exotic round of Go Fish! the card game. Yeah, she was a wild one.

            In the end, Draco was completely losing every round of Monopoly to a point where my dad came in a placement other than last, which was his frequented position. I passed Go several times and somehow avoided jailing myself, somehow buying all of the lower property positions for myself. Devon was a criminal most of time but seemed to get snake eyes and escape, only to be caught again. My brother was really into the game. He screamed, shouted, got shushed, threw money in the air. Basically, he was himself. Mom was the quiet composed player who bought all the expensive properties that my dad and Draco seemed to land on every time they rolled the dice. She was the one who collected all of the Get Out of Jail Free Cards and passed Go more times that Dad and Devon put together. If you couldn’t tell, she ended up winning. Only to end up being her modest self and deny all rights to eating the Häagen Dazs mini we had set for the prize. After a couple seconds ‘oh, I’m watching my weight’ and ‘I couldn’t possibly! We have a guest!’ she finally took the stupid Dulce de Leche.

            The Go Fish! game had to be canceled due to how late it had gotten. If you weren’t aware, Monopoly is just about the longest game in history, so it took us till around 11:00 to actually finish playing it. All of us ‘children’ were sent off to our rooms.

            Swinging around the corner, I get ambushed by my brother. Devon grabbed onto my wrists and dragged me to his bedroom across the hallway from mine, next door to the guest room. Pushing me forward, he runs back to the door, looks back and forth in the hallway, and slams it closed, clicking the lock for good measure. My bedroom door is always closed so Mom won’t even know I’m in here. Creepily, he spun in a slow 180 in order to face me. There was sly grin on his face and he took large, leaping steps towards me. Devon sprung up and bounded his body onto the bed where I sat. He took large bounces while loudly whispering, “Spill, spill, spill!”

            “Spill what exactly?” I whispered back, knowing full well what he was talking about.

            He dropped his body dramatically from a high up jump, making the bed frame squeak and the mattress just about burst from the frame all together. “Guurrl! Don’t toy with me! I wanna know everything about this Draco guy. Now!” His doe brown eyes stared at me in a spill-the-dets sort of fashion. Devon knew I couldn’t resist his doe eyes!

            Sighing, I bite my bottom lip in a very girlie way. “Well …” I start, only to get nudged my Devon’s elbow in encouragement. “What do you want to know?”

            “Does he play sports? Has he had sex before? What’s his favorite color? Is he a boxer or brief kinda guy? What kind of grades does he get? Does he like you? Why is he here? Will he be best friends with me? Is he—” Devon gave a little gasp and crawled close to me and stared right in my face. Whispering in his quietest I-really-have-to-know-this-shiz voice, “Is he … ya know … like me?”

            This was a frequented question with Devon. He had to know the answer every time I brought a guy home. It wasn’t that he was going to act different around the guy if he wasn’t like him, just would probably avoid him for a little while until he got comfortable around him again. Usually the guy wasn’t like Devon; I mean it’s kinda rare right? I sure haven’t met very many guys who would just go at it. Sure there were a few guys that I brought home that were totally game for what my brother had in store. I mean come on, he’s a pro at what he does! I’ve seen him go at it with some pretty skilled guys and he was still excellent! But thing is, I know for sure that Draco wasn’t! I mean, duh! And if he were, he would totally suck at it. That I know for sure. He just didn’t have the right skills in the right places for what Devon wanted.

            So, how was I going to break this to my wonderful, sweet-hearted brother? He had seemed like really want to know. I’ll have to let him down easy … Sighing, I shake my head while whispering, “No my dearest brother, Draco isn’t like you.”

            I watch as his bottom lip wobbles. “You mean … ?”

            Shaking my head again, “No, Draco isn’t a gamer.”


Hope you liked it!

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Love and fireworks,


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