IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 22 -Part 1-

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The emotionally attached Author who doesn’t want to let go:  I had family up for Spring Break and, hoohaa, I had to spend time with my close relatives! It was fun and strange but still fun! I’m not allowed to go on the computer while family is over so I couldn’t go on!

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 22: Some Things Just Never Change

-Part 1-: Ronald, You Should Have Planned Ahead

-------| Hermione’s POV |---------

            “Hmm …” I muttered under my breath as I eavesdropped on Malfoy and Violet. Perhaps I should start calling him Draco? It would only be logical since my plan is fool-proof. Then again he doesn’t call me by my name. Shaking my head from such ridiculous thoughts, I stare openly at the two. Malfoy was going through the plan with ease. Violet said and did everything I had predicted. She was just so easy to figure out! Even a thick head like Ron could figure out how she would react to things. Speaking of Ronald …

---------| *woosh* |----------

            Angrily, I barge into the Boy’s Corridor only to come face-to-face with three Gryffindor boys changing into their night ware. One was frozen standing on one foot, in the process of pulling his pants on. Another had both arms raised like a person cheering, a maroon shirt half pulled down across his taunt chest. The third boy was bending over (in the most suggestive manor, mind you) to pick up a dirty pajama tee in only his boxer shorts. Blushing up to my roots, I swallow past that lump in my throat, blocking all of the hormonal thoughts from taking over. Clearing my throat and staring harshly past them out a window, I ask calmly, “Any of you blokes seen Ronald?”

            This sentence breaks them out their frozen state and the Suggestive Bender replies with, “Getting a late dinner, I think.” He glances over at the other two with a questioning look. Sexy Legs nods and Cheering Cutie grunts in agreement.

            Gulping slightly, I apologize to them for interrupting them while in my head I was thanking Merlin for having me be a girl. A girl whose taste in the male figure was quite broad. Mmmm … Suggestive Bender, Sexy Legs, and Cheering Cutie would have it in for them later. Grinning evilly to myself, I go and get Ginny from out dorm.

            She was sitting on the edge of Violet’s bed, sniffles coming from under the covers. A small, sympathetic frown formed on my lips as I looked at the lump where Violet was laying. I walked a bit forward and grabbed Ginny’s arm. Before she could yell at me for pulling on her, I place a finger over my lips. Getting that I wanted her to be quiet, I yanked her out of the bedroom.

            “Be right back, Vi!” Gin said softly before clicking the door shut behind her. Once the door was completely shut though, Ginny shouted, “What?!” I took a step back, registering her anger. She must be royally pissed at her brother. This thought caused an evil grin to spread across my lips.

            “Want to pay a visit to your kin?”

            Ginny automatically caught on and began stomping down the staircase.

            “I’ll take that as a yes!”

--------| “Drugs are a lot like M&Ms. Addictive, but not very good for you.” –A quote |-----

            Grumbling a bit under my breath, I stalk down the staircase toward the Great Hall. Merlin, I hated stairs. And it didn’t help that there were so many! Finally reaching the very last small, cursed ledge, I saunter over to the Great Hall entrance and yell at the top of my lungs, “Ronald Weasley you better explain yourself!”

            Every guy (yes they were all guys) glanced up from their meal in surprise. One ginger haired bloke stood out more than the rest. He had pudding (seems to be the only meal I catch him with) covering his face and a spoon half way to his mouth.

            Right behind me came a loud mouthed teenage girl with, “Ronald, we would like to have a private conversation with you right now,” in the most calm voice she could muster.

            The spoon clattered down, splashing the pudding all over the table. From where I stood, I swore I saw his Adam’s apple bob up and back down in fear. A small nod came from Ron and he loudly stood up from his seat. Saying a grunt in parting to the boys (who had resumed eating) around him, he walked a slow as possible up to us.

            “Pick up the pace, Ron. We have places to be, people to see,” Ginny said while tapping her foot.

---------| *whish* |--------

            Ahh … I hadn’t seen Ron since. He had to be rushed to the Hospital Wing immediately. Ginny thought it best to keep it from Violet and Malf—Draco, just to be sure they wouldn’t turn us in.

            Who knew Ron was such a wuss?


Hope you liked it!

Comment, Vote, and Fa-Han?

Love and fireworks,


PS: I’m the happiest person ever right now! Wanna know why? ‘Cause my birthday is in a week and a day (on the 16th)! Woo! I’ll be 15! 

PPS: I was with my family this week hanging mostly with my cousin, Mattie (name changed to protect her). I had this weird conversation with my mom over text while Mattie and I were on a walk and here’s what it was:

Mom: What ya doing?

Me: Carrying rocks, why?

Mom: Just wondering what you were doing?

Me: Vandalizing stuff, mom.

Mom: Stop vandalizing the rocks!

Me: Who says we’re vandalizing the rocks, hmmm?

Mom: Stop vandalizing Mattie then :)

Me: You’re jumping to conclusions, mom.

Mom: You were the one who said you were vandalizing stuff.

Me: So I did.

Mom: Well don’t be much longer.

Me: We’re almost done with this one project, don’t worry.

Mom: Kk

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