Chapter 15: What Will The Truth Unveil?

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"This is unnecessary," I said for the billionth time as the nurse inspected my head.

"Lady Bose suggests otherwise. She wants to make sure that there isn't a single scratch on you." The nurse mumbled, turning my face to the side.

All of my frustration poured out into a throaty groan.

The second we arrived back to the school, Alix sprinted to Heidi's office, telling her what happened. Unlike a normal relative, she didn't ask if I was fine. Instead, she barked orders to everyone like a madwoman and that the nurse do a proper evaluation. At the time I didn't know what a 'proper evaluation' meant; but apparently it meant I had to lie on a hospital bed for five hours as the nurse shined a bright light in my eyes and occasionally asked how I felt. If I had known in advance I would have ran back to Virginia.

"You look fine. Just lay down and get some rest and I'll check up on you again in a few minutes," The old woman said and quickly disappeared back into her office.

That's what I had been telling her for the past five hours!

Steam had to be coming out of my ears as I drilled holes into the Nurse's back. To my dismay she left without a second glance in my direction, leaving me in the plain white room with nothing to do. I flopped back onto the bed, with an exasperated sigh. Being royal was proving to be more a hassle than a dream come true.

The nurses infirmary was starting to become my regular hang out and I wasn't so thrilled about that. Everything was white, from the lights to the floor. It had an anti-bacterial smell that burned my nostrils. The hospital beds were lined up neatly, each bed was made perfectly. The fact that I was the only one in here made it feel like a horror movie.

Deciding that I had enough of the nurse's office, I hopped off the bed and got ready to snap my fingers. I was prepared to use magic, if necessary, to escape that hellhole.

"Okay, I'm done staying here. I'm fine. Let me leave," I demanded, thinking the person was the nurse.

My eyes settled upon the lean, Louis Vuitton catalogue model standing in the doorway. His dazzling blue eyes looked apologetic as he made his way toward me.

"Believe me, we'd break you out of here if we could," Aleksander said with the others flanking him.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay," Kimone said, walking to my side.

She looked like a worried mother, instead of my seventeen year old friend. Her luscious mahogany locks were pulled back into a French twist. Just like Aleksander, Kimone's style was immaculate. She wore a fitted white dress, that reached the top of her knees and a pair of  Louboutins. I felt incredibly inferior in my hospital gown.

"I'm fine," I insisted. "In fact, I'm better than fine. I'm perfect."

"I wouldn't say that..." Mira muttered under her breath. Ryder elbowed her in the ribs. He stepped forward and handed me something from behind. I looked down my cat Ebony.

    "Ebony!" I exclaimed holding her in my arms.

Maddox gave me a sheepish look. "You said that the cat had helped you through some tough times, so we thought maybe it'll help you through this torture."

I smiled. After spending so much time with them I forgotten how close we had become. And how many embarrassing secrets of our past we shared.

    "Who's idea was this?" I asked as Ebony pressed her head against my chest.

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