Chapter 20

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After annoying Iris a little bit longer, he finally found a place where we could have dinner. Nothing fancy, but it was food. I was hungry. The door was opened for me. "Thank you." I said shyly. They both held my hands, on each side as we made our way into the restaurant. Iris opened the door for us.

"Three?" the hosts asks.

"Yes" Iris answered.

"Booth or table?"

"Booth." he said.

"Right this way." the lady smiled and led us towards a booth." This place was great. It had that, fancy, but cheap place sort of look. It was dark lit place. If that even makes sense.

"May take your drinks?" she asked.

"Water with lemon."

"Water with lemon."

"Water with lemon." I guess we all liked water with lemon. But it is such an amazing flavor to drink. And healthy too. 

"Great. Your waiter will be right back with your drinks." she handed us menus and went away.

"Not that bad a place." commented Iris. I agreed with that. It was a calm reserved restaurant. The waiter came with our drinks and to get our orders.

"So Timothy, have you changed your mind about Nathaniel and Dominic?"

"Of course not." I told them.

"Just asking." Iris shrugged. We continued talking until our food came. But then, something felt odd. The atmosphere changed suddenly. I see I'm not the only one who noticed.

"Lets get out of here." Iris whispered. He called the waiter. "May we have the bill."

"Already? You haven't even touched the food." Now she was acting weird. With a sickly sweet smile.

"We have a family emergency." Iris lies easily.

"Oh no! here." she pulled out the check from her apron and handed it to us. Well Iris. He gave her a one hundred dollar bill and we got up to leave. Not caring about the change.

As we were walking towards the door a man in a black suit stood there. Iris stood in front of Collin and I protectively. We all know this won't go down good. I look around and see all the 'customers' looking right at us. This was getting even more weird. All with blank faces. "So you're the famous Timothy. The one with four mates." This man in front of the door spoke. "Where are the other two?"

The man knew who we were. We are so far from home, we come here and they know us. How had this come to happen. "You are the talk, in the supernatural world. Everyone knows who you are. But I still see, you aren't a hybrid." the man stepped forward. While we stepped back. "Which is a good thing."

"Who are you?" questioned Iris, in a serious tone.

"Why, I am a hunter. I hunt down people like you. We were waiting for you to fall into a trap like this one. But you didn't eat the food. Which makes the work a lot more harder." the man complained childishly. Then from his suit pulled out a gun. Now we were all in full alert. There was no way to escape. We were surrounded by hunters.

The worst kind of hunters.

Iris cursed under his breath, knowing that we were most likely going to die. Right here in Alabama.

The man who stood with a gun, fell forward. Falling to the ground. A bullet was shot through the window. Straight through his head. They all gasped as they saw their leader drop dead. "Jacob!" a women went to his side. "You monsters" she screamed. Then she was shot too. We took our chance and ran. Out the door. But the hunters were on our tail. Who knows where the bullets came from. But it sure saved our lives.

"You're welcomed." Dominic says, once we answer the phone. "You know you should really do some research. Before you go into a state infested with hunters." it was Dominic. Iris cursed at him.

"You followed us!" he accused.

"Of course. We don't trust you with him alone." Dominic explained. "But we just saved all of you. I love you Timothy." he said before hanging up. I blushed, they hadn't said that before. And to say it so bluntly made it worse. Collin and Iris stayed quiet but made their way to address where they said they'd be. Using the GPS in their phone. It was a one hour drive but we made it. It was a old looking motel.  We pulled in and made our way to room number 18. Collin knocked and Nathaniel opened. 

"Come on in, quick!" he pulled us all in before shutting the door. Wow this place was very old looking. It wasn't too bad, oh who am kidding. There was such a disgusting smell, the bed looked gross and so did the carpet. I think there's a blood stain. "We'll be safe here." Nathaniel said.

"How do you know?" Iris asked. 

"Because look at this place, only about three other people are staying here.. and we couldn't find another place. But I think we lost them. The guards killed all of them I suppose." Dominic hung up his phone. "Yes, job all done. But how long before the others realize. Not long but like Nathaniel said, they won't suspect us here. We might as well sleep." I took another look at the bed. 

"I am not laying down on there." I argued. 

"At least I came prepared." Nathaniel took out from his camping bag, a huge blanket and put it on top of the bed. "But we all won't fit, and someone needs to keep watch." 

"Timothy and us. You guys can keep watch." Dominic told them. 

"Who died and made you boss?" growled Iris.

"Who saved you?" Dominic questioned. They glared each other done. 

"Okay! How about Collin and I stay watch, and all of you sleep. Seeing as you all need it." fighting for a disgusting bed. I am still not comfortable laying dow there. Collin is the only one who doesn't begin fights. "And you better not complain or utter another single word." I warned them. They looked at me before laying down and turning their backs to each other. Finally, peace and quiet. 

thank you for the follows.. votes.. and comments :) 800 followers, thank you. 

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