Chapter 6

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Lilly sat and stared at her ceiling. She had been awake for about thirty minutes but decided she didn’t want to get out of bed until she heard the beep of the coffee maker. Both her parents were usually busy running errands until about four so she was usually by herself until then. Not that Lilly minded, she loved the solitude.

There was a low beep from downstairs that any normal human wouldn’t hear but she did. Lilly whipped both feet into the air and did a roll off the bed. The computer chair came crashing down as she flipped right into it.

“Whoops,” said Lilly as she let out a chuckle.

The door slammed downstairs and she knew exactly who it was. Lilly crept into the hallway until she could see the mop of brown hair just below the staircase.

“Honey I’m home.”

She let out a low growl and hopped over the railing, pummeling the tall boy in the process. He landed stomach first on the ground so he could extend both hands and save the donuts. Lilly was sitting on top of him with her hair looking wild and untamed. 

“If you don’t get off of me right now them I’m eating all these donuts myself.”

“Okay Chris calm down I was just playing.”

She jolted off of him and snatched the donuts in the process. Chris threw up his hands in exasperation while he was still face down on the floor. It made him look like a fish out of water.

“Come on I’ll make you a cup of coffee. Don’t be such a sissy Chris.”

He stood up and pulled his shirt down to try and straighten it out. Chris let out a loud sigh when he realized he was just making it worse. The promise of donuts and coffee was the only thing that was keeping him from pouncing on Lilly.

“Here you go! Cream and sugar just how you like it. I take mine black because I have more balls than you do,” said Lilly, offering him a charming smile.

“If I wanted abuse I would tell Kate I’m on drugs. Now that’s a scary thought,” he said, shuddering slightly. “Can we put all joking aside and just eat the damn donuts.”

“Oh you know I’m just having fun. When school starts again I have to go back to being my quiet self with guys swooning over me.”

“Why? Has anyone touched you?” growled Chris.

“Nope and if I didn’t know any better I would say you had a crush on me,” she said, poking him in the chest.

A slow blush started to creep up Chris’ cheeks. Oh Damn thought Lilly, not him too. She studied him closely while he put a donut into his mouth, trying to avoid the conversation. Chris had always been just an older brother to her. He even had a key to the house.

“You know you’re my little sister Lilly. There’s nothing to worry about,” he finally said.

She nodded once and tried really hard to believe him but there was doubt in his voice. Chris was an extremely attractive man but just not her type. She actually wasn’t quite sure what her type was since she had never been on a proper date but, Lilly would never date Chris. She was seventeen and he was twenty six. The age difference wasn’t horrible, just dating your brother was.

“What are you doing today? Wanna go for a drive in your new car?” asked Chris.

“Okay we…oh shoot,” said Lilly, smacking her head. “I can’t I have to take the new family to the mall. I promised Tanya that I would be there early.”

She yanked her phone out of her pocket and saw that is was only nine thirty. She breathed a sigh of relief and took a long gulp of her coffee.

“Sorry Chris I have to get in the shower right now. As you can tell there are probably things living in my hair.”

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