4. Guilt and Anger

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I woke up in an unknown room. I realized what had happened some hours ago. I stood up. My legs were trembling still I managed to walk a distance of 4-5 steps.
I saw a huge mirror infront of me. I stared at myself. I saw bruises on my hands and purple marks on my neck....

Lisa: Wait!!
I exclaimed as I saw a oversized shirt was on my body. I looked around and saw my shirt laying torn on the ground. I realized that the bastard must have put this on.
I decided let that shirt be on my body.

A strange fear was felt in my heart about that man- Jungkook.

When the door opened revealing Jungkook. Unknowingly, my foot steps went backwards. Tears started forming in my eyes.

What the hell are you doing Lisa??? I thought to myself. I decided to be strong. How can some random guy even touch me? I looked here and there. I saw a knife in a fruite basket.

He started coming closer to me. I took that knife and pointed towards him.

Jk: What the fuck are you doing?
He said panicking a bit.

Lisa: Stay away from me orelse I will kill you.
I said sternly.

Before he could say anything further Suga came in.

I went in Jungkook's room to see if that girl was fine or not.
As I entered, I saw her pointing knife at Jungkook.
I took my revolver out pointing at her.

Suga: Drop that knife away.
I said in warning tone. She thought for some time and said.

Lisa: I will if you promise that you will send me back to my hotel, Hotel Mandarin Orieantal.
She demanded.

Suga: Yes I will.
I agrees and within seconds she threw the knife away.

Suga: Wait here. I will send a driver with you.

She nodded softly sitting at the corner of the bed.

She seemed very calm and professional. I don't know why but some positive vibes came from her. I felt that she was the girl for Jungkook.
I washed my thoughts off and took Jungkook with me leaving her alone in his room.

Suga: Umm....Jay...take the lady in room to her hotel.

Jay: Yes sir.

Jk: But...before that. Feed her something she is trembling badly.

Jay: Yes sir.
Jay left. We both were alone there.

Wait.!! Jungkook just said to feed her because she seemed weak?? He cares for her??!! So done....I am sure now. Lisa is perfect for Jungkook.

Jk: Hyung....
His voice brought me to my senses.

Suga: Yes?

Jk: I think I went too far.

Suga: What? What do you mean?

Jk: I mean I lost my senses in anger and almost raped her.

Suga: you did what??
I said not believing his words.
First, he tried to rape her???!!
And then, he is guilty??!!!

Jk: I know. You won't believe but it's true. I am sorry.
He said. He was really guilty.

Suga: You should not be sorry to me. You should be sorry to her. She might go in depression after that you know?

Jk: Yea I know that hyung. Don't make me feel more guilty saying this.

Jk: Yea I know that hyung. Don't make me feel more guilty saying this.

A sudden voice from my room flinched us. We ran to my room and saw Jay standing awestruck as Lisa was looking at him angrily. I noticed the bowl of porridge laying broken on floor.

Lisa: I don't wanna eat anything. Just leave me to my hotel.
She shouted.

Jk: Fine...Enough.
I shouted too.

Jk: Jay take her to her hotel right now.
I ordered.

As Lisa walked out of my room followed by Jay.
I could see Lisa's legs still trembling badly. But I even go near her she might do anything to me. Ofcourse, I made her self confidence and morals fall down. Well, this thought made me even more guilty.

Sorry Lisa....

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