Chapter 20

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I admire Alyssa as I watch her ride her bike through the park.

I don't know what enticed me to but her a fucking bike but one minute I was at the rink and the next I was at a bike shop.

My heart beat in my ears as I walked up the stairs to her apartment building because what if she didn't like it? Or kicked me out of her house?

Though neither of those happened.

And I'm real fucking glad because then I wouldn't of been able to see her hair twirl in the wind with a tweety bird helmet on her head.

It truly was the only biking helmet I could find and it just so happened to be one of the many random objects Matthew brought here, he didn't even bring a bike!

"I think I'm stealing everything your good at," she calls out as she rides back over to me, "first hockey, now this. I'm a fucking seasoned professional."

"At least your modest," I say.

She winks, "very."

"Let go somewhere!" She announces after another lap around the pavement path, "I think I've outgrown the path."

"Oh have you now?" I ask, "where should we go?"

She pounders it for a moment, her glowing skin pointing it's way too the sun which makes her face glisten even more.

She's fucking beautiful in a way I've never seen before. Modest almost, she doesn't have half her ass fucking pocking out and she looks put together but not as if she'd been choosing her outfit for hours. And even if she has it looks perfect no matter what she wears.

"How about the bookshop?" She asks smiling widely.

"Sure," I shrug happy to see her happy at the sight of paper bindings.  

We chain her bike outside of the shop on a metal pole. She unsurprisingly hadn't fallen throughout the entire ride her, a few close calls but I caught her in time, I would never let her fall.

"I've ran out of books to read," she groans, "it's fucking torture." 

She makes her way to the romance section reading the blurbs before putting them neatly back onto the shelves.

I pick one up after looking at the cover, "what about this one?" I hold it up for her to see.

"Better than the movies," she says taking it off me, "huh, I've heard good things about this one. I should take you here more often, Tess just yaps on the whole time about god knows what."

My face brightens at the thought of spending more time with her, something i've never felt while talking to a girl.

I've only had two girlfriends my whole life. One in the seventh grade which lasted for approximately five days when she dumped me over passing a note to her friend who passed it to her friend- you get it. I also had another in my sophomore year which lasted for a couple of months, she was nice but there was no- spark I guess who could say whatever the fuck that's means.

But now I think of it- I think a spark is this.

Fucking Alyssa- it's always been her and always will be.

By the time I look back at her she has another four books in her arms. "This is going to keep me busy." She says

Her phone buzzes a notification. She holds the books in one hand as she reaches for it reading the message. Her face pales her mouth gapes open and the books drop to the ground.

She stays in a frozen position her eyes not wavering from the screen.

"Alyssa!" I say, "are you okay?" I ask she doesn't respond.

"Alyssa!" I say again, leaning over to pick up the dropped books.

"Fuck." Is all she says.

"Fuck, fuck fuck!" Her voice raises and a family turns around giving her disgusted faces.

"Alyssa?" I ask again, "are you okay? Did something happen?"

She runs her hands through her hair and paces the ground, "I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't."

"Alyssa!" I say and cup her cheeks, "what's happening?" A pang of worry climes it's way all the way up my throat and it's fairly clear but she defiantly doesn't notice.

Her eyes meet mine, they waver.

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"What for what?" I ask urgently.

"I have to go," She says, "I have to go." She repeats.

"No you don't Alyssa, you don't need to leave."

"I do."

"No," I rub my thumb across her pink cheek, "you don't you really don't."

She pushes me away with her palms. "This- this was a bad idea I new it from the beginning I have to go- I have to fucking go."

She walks away from me and I trail behind easily catching up with her.

"Alyssa!" I call out.

She ignores me and unchains the bike.

"Bye Aiden."


Thank you so much for reading! I'm probably going to take a short break on writing this because I have exams coming up, sooo yeah!

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All my love, Willow <3

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