Chapter 2

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My gaze is caught on her as she walks away.

Alyssa Davis.

Fuck, I never thought I'd see her again.

Her hair is shorter- no longer in two pigtails. She has the same full lips, same blue sparkling eyes that make me forget my own name. Same calming voice but raspier then I remember.

She's grown up though- obviously- she's no longer a fourteen year old girl. She looks different than I pictured in my imagination but not bad different- good different.

Alyssa Davis, her name keeps repeating in my mind.

How is it possible for someone to drag you out of the present- to drag you out of your own control?

A hand slaps my shoulder, "You good man? Looks like you've seen a ghost."

I turn around to see Matthew staring at me, his eyes full of unnecessary concern, "What? I'm fine." I say unconvincingly. 

"Okay.. You sure? because your pale as fuck." He narrows his eyes.

"I said I'm fine, didn't I?" I snap, not meaning to.

He holds both his hands up in the air, "Okay, okay man. Just checking."

I drag my hand down the length of my face, "Sorry- it's just-"

How do I explain that the girl I've been in love with since the age of thirteen just bumped into me. The girl I haven't seen in almost five years is now here- at Clare University.

"- nothing, it's nothing."

I don't pay attention to the rest of the game, all I know is we won since Matthew jumped on top of me as the buzzer went off.

Mathew and I met on the first day of high school when we both were at the tryouts for ice hockey, we've been best mates ever since. We've got each others back, that's something I didn't have for a while- also something I would never tell him unless I was on my death bed.

"Do you think Samara was looking at me during the game? I swear she was." He says while we drive back towards our apartment.

"Dunno, she was a little pre occupied don't you think?"

Samara is a cheerleader that he has had his eyes on for a while now- a week actually but considering Matthew that's a lot for him.

He stares at me for a moment, "Okay man, tell me what's up."

I sigh while gripping the steering wheel tighter, "Nothing's up."

He scoffs, "Hell yeah there is, you've been all distant- even more than usual after that girl crashed into you."

I hesitate before talking but he's not going to leave it alone if I don't answer him. "I know her."

"Okay?" He says slowly, "Who is it then?"

I don't answer him.

"I'm not a fucking mind reader, I wish I am- but I'm not- so can you tell me who the hell that was."

I exhale, "Alyssa. Alyssa Davis."

His face is blank for a minute until a small smile creeps upon it, "Ah, Alyssa." His smile turns into a smirk, "I think I've heard of her before."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Well I guess you have your chance now." He says with a shrug.

"Chance at what?"

"Love." He says in a voice that is clearly not his.

I throw my empty coffee cup at him, "Gross man."

I park my car in the carpark as we walk up to our apartment.

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