excuses, excuses

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Hi! so i have a tiny announcement - im changing the tense of the story and this is literally so insignificant and doenst change anything but i find it easier writing in past tense so im changing it. 

Anyway sorry for being confusing! 

IMPORTANT: I just want to dedicate this part to Hopeeeeee7543690653 for being literally so sweet! thank you so much you made me feel so happy, we need more people like you in the world!😊



I swerved left around the corner, breathing out a heavy sigh before finally stopping myself to catch a breath. My legs burned from all the running I had did, a testement to the reason why I am definetely not an athlete. Glancing back, I watched Jamesons figure disappear through the crowds of people, letting out a sigh of relief.

Guilt settled its way into my mind as I remembered the reason for my early morning marathon.

 I had missed our date. 

I knew that I had an excuse to have missed it, I knew that he would probably understand, but part of my mind was still hung up on everything James and Ian had told me at the party. The warning had me keeping my distance, I still didnt know what he had presumably done and I just needed time to figure out what I was going to do.

Still didnt make all this running ok though.

I breezed my way through the crowds, lost in my head and thoughts, making my way to my applied biology class on the other side of campus. 

"Oo-" I slammed into a hard barrier, dropping everything I was holding as pain shot up my forehead.

"Shit Im so sorry!" A voice cried out and suddenly, my head didn't seem to be my biggest problem anymore. Because now, as his eyes stared into me, worry etched on his face and my books in his arms after he picked them up, I was staring right back unable to move. 

I should probably do something, run, or talk, or scream, I didnt care, anything but the dumb expression I knew was on my face at that moment. So instead of saying anything even remotely sane, I choked out, 



He's not who he seems like

James' warning panged through my head as he stared into my eyes, searching my face for an answer to the questions I was sure he had.

"Hailey. Hi." His voice was cold and unfeeling. Ouch. Although in all fairness, I guess I deserved that considering I'd been hiding from him for the past 24 hours like a coward instead of facing the facts. Which were that my gut was telling me very different things from my roomates. And that I had gotten myself caught up in something that I had no business being in. 

"Can we talk?" I breathed out. He had no obligation to do that, from his perspective, I had ghosted him and then never texted back, but still, he nodded his head slightly. Glancing towards the empty classroom door on my left, eager to get out of the chaotic crowd, I grabbed his free arm and filed us throught the door before shutting it behind us. 

"Look-" He started, before I cut him off.

"No Jameson, please let me explain myself first." I stepped forward and looked up into his shimmering eyes, "I really did want to go on our date, I promise you. I got sick that day and I've been recovering, but I swear that I wanted to go. I still do." As the last three words slipped out, I realised what I just said and swore internally. I knew I was lying straight through my teeth, but I placated myself and reminded myself that it would just cause more tension. And tension was the last thing I needed right now. 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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