that was unexpected...

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hey again! so im really sorry but I have exams coming up and so I dont really have time to edit but I'll try my best

warnings: swearing

"LIAM!" I screech as as I kick his arms and chest in a bad attempt to get down and before I know it we're out of the courtyard and on the rock path towards the diner. It's surprisingly comfortable, so after about 5 minutes I give up trying to fight it, i may as well go it's not like I had raging plans for the night. He finally sets me down gently when he senses me stop fighting and steps away from me as I balance myself out. Once im back on my feet, I turn painstakingly slowly around to face him and find him gone. I am going to kill him. Thats 2 murderous instincts today, maybe it's a habit now.

"At this point you can stop fighting it, he's always going to be completely insufferable" Roman quips as he walks past me and Liam, with a hint of amusement in his deep, rough voice. As I bicker with Roman and Noah, and joke with James and Ian, I don't really know why, but I feel at home with these people, which of course is completely idiotic considering they're strangers. But I cant press the feeling down. 

The bell dings as Ian pushes the door through and the second we walk in I feel Jacks arms around me, hugging me tight. He's like my second dad at this point and he always has been, he's one of the only people I trust here and he also happens to own a diner meaning I get cheap food. He's more my family than anyone who shares my blood, and I'll always be grateful for him. 

"My Lia, it's so good to see you" He says, taking my hands in his. He's the only one who calls me Lia, it's our little thing and no one else's. A few months ago, Liam tried calling me Lia and it didn't feel right, not the way it does with Jack, so we stuck to Hales. 

"I've missed you too" I return with a warm smile, "Table for six?" I ask

He leads us over to the table on the far right as we return to our comfortable banter and hands out the familiar worn, red menus before walking off to get us coffee. 

"So Hailey, how do you know Liam?" Ian asks when we take our seats

I smile as the memory comes back to me and I lock eyes with Liam as I say"Well this absolute idiot was walking to his dorm with 5 boxes stacked on top of each other trying to impress girls when he bumped into me and dropped hot coffee on my white shirt...and the rest is history" I grin as he glares at me with the promise for revenge

"Holy--!" Noah laughs "I hope you apologised to the poor lady Liam" 

"Nah, I put up with her insufferableness, thats enough of a sorry" He returns flippantly, as I check my phone for my grade reminders. I flip him off without looking up from my phone and then I feel it...

"Aaaaaaaah, get of get of I'm sorry I'm sorry" I giggle as he tickles his way across my stomach and I hit his arms in a fools attempt to get him away. "Go Liam go!" I hear from the table and I flip them off with both fingers before returning to hitting Liams arms away. After a while he stops and slinks back into his seat and sticks his tongue out before returning to the menu. I cant believe him! As I regain my breath I narrow my eyes at the table.

"I cant believe you took his side! Im offended" I say, mock offended even as i as they all try to hold in their laughs. 

"So what dorm are you in Hales?" Liam asks

"The east building, 4E I think" I respond, we had gotten rooming assignments a few days back and I was dying to find out who my roommates were. Here there were dorms of 6, either mixed gender or not.

"Wait...4E? Are you sure?" James says hesitantly. 

"Im sure, why? What's wrong?" 

"Thats our dorm too..." I'm sorry, our?  Surprise washes over me, I knew I had listed that I was ok with rooming with guys, and I was, but 5 guys and 1 girl?? That was extreme. Especially these guys. They had a reputation for being the worst of the worst, for being the traditional football player ass holes times 10. And even though what I had seen in the hour that I had known them, a part of me didn't let me trust them, I was tired of trusting guys like this and then being taken advantage of. 

Still, I couldn't really processed the information. I was going to be living with 5 guys for a year, and not just any 5 guys, these 5 guys. For a year. 365 days. 525, 600 minutes. With them. 

I look up to find 5 pairs of excessively amused eyes staring at me, waiting for me to do something. To say something. They quite obviously thought this was funny and I could feel myself squirming under the attention.

"Shit" I state, plain and simple. Shit. 

"Aw come on we're really not that bad Hailey, at least we know how to have fun" Ian winks at me. He winks. He has the nerve to wink. I had a feeling their idea of fun was very different to mine...

The guys continue discussing roomings and arrangements while I focus on just breathing. I sort through this information in my head, ok, I could deal with this. I just had to think logically. There were 3 conjoined rooms with 2 beds each, a kitchen and a living room. 

"I'm rooming with Liam, just to make that perfectly clear" I interrupt, and I feel all eyes shift towards me.

"You know, I'm offended Hailey, I'm so much more fun that Liam" James returns, but I also notice he doesn't disagree or protest to my demand. In fact none of them do. 

"Of course Hales, you're so much better that any of these dumbasses" Liam jokes, even though I know he realises why I'm insisting on this. 

While we joke around for a bit before the food finally arrives at the table and I dig in, savouring the taste of home cooked food. ish. During the summer, I had been at my grandmothers eating nothing but 7 11 ramen and snickers bars while taking care of her. She couldn't cook anymore, she couldn't do anything anymore I reminded myself sadly, but before I let those tears sting my eyes I shoved all the hurt down. No. Not right now. 

"Whoa slow it down Hailey" Ian jokes and I stick out my tongue. 

"Not gonna happen Ian, I think I might have more of an appetite than any of you and you better get used to it" I joke as his eyebrows rise in amusement. 

After we finish our food, I walk up the counter with the guys, trying to fish my wallet out of my bag. Shit, I realise, I left it at home. James must have noticed my worried face because he said 

"I've got it Hailey, dont worry about it" I couldn't do that, these people were strangers, whether it felt like it or not. 

"No it's really fine, I swear, I'll ask Liam he owes me for the shirt anyway" I joke. 

"Good, because I've only got like 10 bucks and I would have been so screwed if you'd said yes" He admits, ashamed. I snicker and walk up Liam who's currently talking to Roman.

"Hey Liam I left my wallet at home, can you cover for me?" I ask sheepishly. I hate asking for money, it makes me cringe just thinking about it but better Liam that these strangers. He nods before checking his wallet.

"Shit I dont have enough" He whines

"I'll cover you" A deep voice says from behind. I turn to find Roman looking at me holding out a 10 dollar bill. Really? Him? He must have heard me talking to Liam. This is what happens when you don't sleep enough, you end up forgetting stuff and in dept to sketchy, hot, annoying guys. I give him a small smile before taking the money

"Thanks" I say "I owe you one" I can't believe this, this is the last guy I want to owe anything to.

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