Chapter 51. Shrishti and her fears

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Shrishti entered the classroom and joined her friends just as Divya asked Arpit, 'Hey! What about your sister, Megha? Will she be safe?'

'No worries.', Shrishti spoke up, 'Her school is near our society. She could easily walk back home. And she has few classmates who live in our area. They will walk her home.'

'But if something happens, you three are struck here.' Daljeet mused.

'She reached home.' Arpit replied, 'Her school is more low lying than the college. So she was let go earlier than us. Bro and I both got message once she reached home. That was the last communication as after that, phones stopped working properly.'

'One less thing for you guys to worry about.', Daljeet muttered.

'Poor kid. She must be the one sitting at home worried about her Pari Di and her two Bhaiyyas.', Divya fretted.

Shrishti nodded. 'We cannot do anything. We have sent messages home and we can only pray that somehow networks work for a while and the messages end up reaching them.'

The others nodded. Shrishti noticed that they were playing a new card game and joined them. Just then Arpit looked around. 'Wonder where is Bhaiyya!'

Shrishti's eyes widened. Oh no! She left Raghav with that girl! Daljeet noticed her wide eyed look right away. 'Girl! What did you do? Out with it!'

Shrishti shook her head rapidly, all wide eyed and scared. 'I did nothing. I just saw..... something.' She ducked down wondering what to say.

'What happened?', Arpit asked her in a firm voice.

She huffed and mumbled, 'A girl liked him and tried to get close to him. He firmly shut her down. She was not happy and asked him to be kind. He told her that she did not get the message when he was kind. So he had to be rude.'

'Phew! I thought something big happened. It was just a girl!', Arpit waved his hand away.

Daljeet frowned. 'Does he get harassed by girls a lot?'

Arpit scoffed. 'Most girls would not dare to confess, what with his poker face and his lack of interest in anything remotely similar to socialising! He has this aura that says keep away. But there are some girls who just like him so much that they don't care about his ice prince demeanour.'

'Ice Prince! Perfect nickname! When I did not know him, I was actually intimidated by him.' Divya informed them.

'He is not that scary!', Shrishti mumbled absentmindedly. There was pin drop silence and she looked up to see three incredulous looks being thrown her away.

'Of course, you don't find him scary. He is so sweet to you. I am the one who gets all his scoldings!' Arpit huffed.

'Of course, he scolds you. You misbehave all the time!' Shrishti retorted.

'Look! Look!', Arpit pointed at her gleefully while looking at Divya and Daljeet, 'Look how protective she is of him! Lover girl!'

Shrishti huffed, annoyed by the nickname. 'How dare you say that to me! I am not a lover girl. I am just saying the truth.'

Arpit ignored her and turned to Daljeet. 'Look at her! Look at her! She is not even dating him and she is defending him already. You are my girlfriend! Have you ever done that for me?'

Daljeet's jaw dropped open. 'Hello! Excuse me! Her Raghav actually cooks for her! When have you cooked for me?'

Right then, Arpit and Daljeet began to squabble. Shrishti tuned them out once she realised that their squabble was playful and not serious. Just then, she was nudged. She looked to see Divya looking at her worriedly.

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